Together Forever

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Chapter One: Truth

I haven't seen Dimitri since the attack, but I know he's alive. I've spent the last few days with Lissa, afraid of leaving her alone. Everyone has been shaken by recent events and are finding it hard to cope with all the losses. I am too. I lost a lot of friends last week. Luckily, Lissa wasn't among them. She was hidden away with other royals in some remote part of campus. Even with them hidden, a couple of the royals were killed... I sat in the commons, retiring to the seat across from Lissa and Christian. She hasn't left his side since the attack was over, and, between their romantic nights and my paranoia, I am sleep deprived.

"You need to sleep, Rose," Lissa chastised.

"One minute of sleep can lead to your death," I told her gravely.

"Guardians are covering the place-"

I slammed my fist against the table. "There were guardians everywhere before and they still got in. I'm not risking it." Usually this would get everyone to stare at me and make them think I've lost it, but people were surprised I haven't been crazier.

Lissa opened her mouth to say something, but her eyes drifted above me. I turned quickly, panicked, then relaxed when I saw it was none other than Dimitri. I wanted to jump into his arms, but I knew it would be too suspicious. "Guardian Belikov," Lissa greeted with a smile. Always so polite.

I smiled and patted the spot beside me. "Sit?" I meant it as a command, but it sounded more like a question. He hesitated but sat down in the end. "What's up, comrade?"

"Training starts up again after school today. Don't be late." He stood up, and I smiled up at him. He looked over towards Lissa. "Headmistress Kirova would like to see you, Vasilisa."

She gave him a sour look after he used her real name, then stood up and followed him out of the commons. I can't believe she left me alone with Sparky. We didn't talk, though. He left me to my thoughts, which might as well be a death sentence for me. A flurry of scenarios danced through my head. Some involved Lissa, and others involved Dimitri. Sometimes both. Those were the worst thoughts. Me having to choose between Dimitri and Lissa. Oh God. I stood up from the table and walked out. I was fully aware of Christian following me, but I didn't care right now. When I reached Kirova's office, I stood outside the door and waited for Lissa to finish her conversation. When she came out of the office twenty minutes later, she let out a small scream. She put her hand over her heart, and playfully slapped my arm. I rolled my eyes at her, and gave her a tiny smile. We had to separate due to our classes, which meant I had to head over to the gym with Dimitri. I couldn't help but feel excited at that. Of course, there will be twenty-four other students, but I'll take what I can get. I haven't seen him in almost four days! When we got into the gym, only thirteen students were there. I stopped in my tracks. Class starts in a few seconds, officially. That many novices couldn't have died... but, they did. Dimitri had been caught off guard too.

I walked over to Eddie. "Hey. Please tell half the class just didn't show up."

He looked down at me, face grave like everyone else's. "A couple are still in the infirmary, but the rest... well, they're dead." I flinched when he said that.

We didn't even really practice any moves. We sparred, but even that was optional. Eddie and I fought the whole time while almost everyone else sat and talked. Classes were cut short today due to the memorial service after school, so we only got to spar for half an hour. That's barely even a whole fight! When the bell rung, I offered to help Dimitri put the equipment away. Everyone else headed off to class, and I intended to skip second period.

After we put everything away, we sat on the floor, me laying against him. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I looked up at him. "Lissa is safe now, right?"

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