Chapter Four: Death Threats and Tutoring

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Rose P.O.V

Lissa practically clung to Christian's side as we entered the commons. As usual, everyone looked our way as we walked past them. Some gave Lissa compassionate looks and some gave her glares that seemed to say "what a whore." For those people, I gave them my best death glare. Lissa still kept her head held high, and I admired her for that. She was staying strong and keeping the Dragomir line steady. This pregnancy may be frowned upon, but she will fight for the Dragomirs until her last breath.

Luckily, we made it to the table without any problems. Christian and Lissa sat down next to Adrian and Eddie, giving them warm greetings. I gave Eddie and Adrian a polite nod and smile before walking off to where the food was. I automatically found the glazed donuts, and my mouth practically watered at the sight of them. I picked one up and took a bite, still keeping an eye on Lissa. A few donuts later, a saw a shadow in my peripheral vision and turned around. It was just Jesse so I went back to eating my donut. I knew he was standing beside me, but I ignored him. He wasn't worth losing my job as Lissa's soon-to-be guardian. After a few seconds of him not moving, I turned towards him. He inched away from my glare, his pale skin impossibly becoming even more pale.

"What do you want?" I snarled.

"You know what I want, Rose." He had a smirk on his face and I was tempted to smack it off.

I was instantly reminded of yesterday. He said that he wouldn't tell anyone about me and Dimitri if I slept with him. I told him, after I slammed him against the wall, that I would never sleep with him. I might have added that if he told anyone I would cut off-

"You're not getting your wish, Zeklos." My tone was harsh and cold.

He rolled his eyes. "Then, I guess it's time for you and Guardian Belikov to go public. Let's see how you guys get it on between bars of a jail cell. Oh, and I can tell everyone about Lissa's abili-"

I smashed my donut into his face and then took a step back. "You say one more word about Lissa and my foot will be shoved so far up your ass that-"

He wiped most of the donut off his face by time he interrupted me. "Is that a threat or a promise?"

I took a deep breath and walked away muttering, "Asshole."

 I plopped down into my seat, concentrating on the table in front of me. Lissa reached out and grabbed my hand, but I pulled away. I could feel hurt and confusion come through the bond, so I looked up because I felt guilty. Her green eyes searched mine, and her thoughts told me she wished the bond works two ways. I reached out and grabbed her hand, forcing a smile. Her eyes shifted above me, and she let go. I turned in my seat, expecting to see Jesse. Instead, I saw my mother. Wonderful. She had her arms crossed over her chest and was staring at Lissa.

"Rosemarie, we need to talk."


"Come with me." When she saw I wasn't getting up, she sighed. "That was not a request."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, following her to God knows where. Just before we exited the commons, Lissa called after me. "Rose! Wait!" She caught up to me, taking a deep breath before she spoke. She turned to my mom. "Guardian Hathaway, do you mind if I join? I would like to stay near Rose today."

My mom seemed to turn it over in her head. "I suppose you can, Princess. Who am I to decline a chance to be in a Dragomir's presence?"

"Thank you, Guardian Hathaway. And, just call me Lissa."

My mom walked down the hallway and Lissa and I trailed behind her. We headed outside, and I noticed Lissa was shivering. I took off my jacket and handed it to her. She slid it on, shooting me a grateful glance. Through the bond she said, How did I ever get so lucky to have a friend like you? I laughed, and my mom turned to look at us suspiciously. It looked like something clicked, and her suspiscious look turned into a knowing glare. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. After a few minutes of walking, I noticed that my mom was walking toward the woods, in the direction of the cabin. I nearly froze, and my heart stopped. Why was she leading me here? Lissa knew too, and she grabbed my hand. When we reached the cabin, my mom ushered us inside. My blood ran cold, but my heart beat wildly in my chest. I was replaying the whole memory in my head. Dimitri had been so gentle yet fierce- Rose! Stop it!

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