Start from the beginning

Cora stood up, ready to convince Stilinski about the supernatural, but instead, she collapsed to the ground. Stilinski and I quickly rushed towards her and saw that she was unconscious and her head injury had gotten worse. "Call an ambulance," He told Stiles as he checked over her wound.


A cool breeze circulated though the hospital room that I was sitting in. Nurses and doctors walked past the small window of the room while I adjusted myself on the uncomfortable chair. I held Cora's hand as she slept with a large bandage wrapped around her head. The sky was growing darker by the moment and Stiles was outside talking to Scott, I'm guessing about the human sacrifices.

The door was pushed open and Stiles stopped at the door frame. I could easily tell that he was in distress but he gave me a small smile when I looked at him. "It's philosophers, as in teachers. Allison and her father just found Mr. Westover," He told me as he ran a hand through his brown hair, "It makes sense since Tara used to teach middle school,"

"Then the last one's gonna be another teacher, isn't it?" I asked nervously and he nodded softly, "Wait, but they're all headed home," I added and he frowned.

"Not exactly... They're all going to the recital," He told me and bit my lip, thinking to myself quietly.

"Okay," I started, "You head to the recital and I'll meet you there once Derek comes. I don't want to leave Cora alone, especially now,"

"You'll meet us at the school, though, right?" He asked as he moved away from the door frame.

"Yeah," I reassured, "Don't worry, I'll be there," Stiles nodded before walking out of the room. He shut the door behind him as I leaned forwards in my seat. I pulled out my phone to see that it was just hitting eight o'clock. I set my phone back down on my seat and looked towards Cora.

She was sickly pale and sweating profoundly. I had no clue what was happening to her, but I knew that it wasn't good. At first, with the weight, I would've assumed she had a concussion, but I figured she would've healed. But she didn't. It wasn't hard to tell is she was getting better, because she wasn't. Honestly, I think she was getting worse.

I looked up as the wooden door swung open. Derek stood at the door frame, his eyes filled with worry until he saw me. His shoulders dropped as he saw Cora's state and instantly, he was standing next to me. Reluctantly, I let go of her hand and moved out of the chair.

He sat down where I was once sitting and grabbed his sister's hand. I laid a soft hand on his shoulder, not sure what to say at the moment. And so I didn't say anything. I slipped my phone into the pocket of my skirt and made my way towards the door. As I reached for the handle, Derek spoke, "What happened?" He asked anxiously and I turned around.

"She was hit in the head... with a weight," I told him but I didn't look at him. I didn't know if I could handle it. "We took her to Stiles' house so we could warn Sheriff Stilinski and she passed out,"

I could tell that he was staring at me, "Do you know if shes..." He led off and my heart broke.

"I don't know, and I'm probably not the person you should ask," I added as my hands twisted behind my back. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you a few days ago," I said softly as my eyes met his.

"What'd you mean-- oh..." He realized that I was talking about him and Jennifer. Honestly, I was giving up. They made a good couple, no matter how much I hated it. As long as he was happy, I'm happy... right? Isn't that what a friend is supposed to do? Be there to help you and cheer you up when needed, because that's what's expected. That's the success criteria for a friend.

"I'm happy for you two," I complimented gently. Without another word, I walked out of the room and made my way outside. I wiped the tear off of my cheek as I unlocked my car and slipped inside. This was stupid and it shouldn't be making me cry. Hell, I rarely breakdown and I was not going to let my guard down over this; over him.

Music played quietly as I drove towards the school for the recital. When I pulled into the parking lot, everything seemed quiet and calm, until Scott and Stiles' voice echoed outside. Immediately, I ran towards them and found them screaming for Lydia. "Have you seen Lydia?" Stiles asked as soon as I approached them.

"She's missing? What-- how?" I asked them worried and Stiles pulled out his phone as Scott scanned the area with his eyes.

"She's not answering her phone. What do we do?" He asked and I pulled out my phone in attempts to contact her.

That's when I heard it. Hell, I think everyone heard it. An ear-piercing scream ripped through the school and I'd recognized it anywhere; Lydia. I gripped my ears tightly, wincing at the loud noise. Scott pushed away from the group and bolted inside, determined to find Lydia, and so was I. I followed behind as he ran into a classroom as another grunt came from inside.

I sprinted through the second door and saw Sheriff Stilinski bent over with a knife in his chest. "Are you okay?" I asked him as I dropped next to him. He gave me a sharp nod as I stood up, not surprised to see Jennifer.

Scott ran at her but was quickly thrown back into a pile of chairs. He dropped to the ground as I narrowed my eyes at the Darach. "I would say I'm surprised, but then again..." I shot out my claws, fully transformed, "You've always looked like a two-faced bitch,"

I ran towards her with a swipe of my claws. She ducked under my arm and tried to throw me away but I was quick. I moved away from her and slashed her thigh, but instead of it bleeding, she healed instantly. She grabbed my throat tightly and lifted me off the ground.

Squeezing my neck tightly, she sent me flying into the brick wall of the classroom. Cement and other materials dropped down on my back as I spat out blood. She slid a desk towards the main door, blocking the entrance.

I pushed myself up onto all fours as Sheriff Stilinski held up his gun at her. "There was a girl..." he started, his finger on the trigger, "Years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you, wasn't it?"

She slowly walked towards him, an evil smirk on her face, "Maybe I should've started with philosophers-- with knowledge and strategy," He shot her in the leg but it healed like before. "Healers..." She grabbed the knife in his chest and lifted him up. The gun fell from his hands as she pushed him into a pile of chairs.

"Warriors..." She ripped the badge from his shirt, "Guardians..." She crushed the badge and dropped it to the ground. "Virgins..." She said as a loud screech erupted. I used the filing cabinet to push myself up, but the glass was smashed and they were both gone.

Stiles ran through the door after getting it open and made his way towards the window. I moved towards him, staring at the loose glass shard that was lying on the ground. "...Dad?" He called as he breathed heavily.

Jennifer was the Darach and now, she has Stiles' dad.

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