Start from the beginning

"This kid helped save your life," I shot back, defending Scott, "And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move. But at the same time, we can't beat a pack of Alphas," Derek crossed his arms over his chest as Cora turned towards me.

"That's why we're going after Deucalion-- just him," She told me and I sighed. Great, more family bonding.

"Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies," Boyd told us and I ran a hand through my dark hair.

"Only this isn't a snake, it's a Hydra. And, as Syd said, they're all Alphas," Peter pointed out and I nodded.

"Deucalion's still the leader," Derek reminded us and I grimaced at the sound of his name.

"Let's hope so... Because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the Hydra?" Peter asked us and I already knew the answer. In Greek legends, a Hydra is a gigantic water-snake-like monster with nine heads, one of which was immortal. If you cut one head off, two more always grow back in its place.

"Two more grew back in its place," Scott answered and Peter nodded approvingly.

"Somebody's been doing their summer reading," He said impressed.

I snapped out of the memory as Scott stood up abruptly. He moved past Stiles, using the seats as a guide. "Scott, what are you doing?" I asked him confused.

"Boyd-- he's gonna do something," Scott said as he looked over at the new werewolf a couple of seats away.

"Okay, what? How do you know?" Stiles asked as he looked around and that's when I saw it. Boyd's claws were gripping the fake leather seat as he stared at Ethan who was sitting with Danny.

"Look at his hand," I replied as Scott moved down the aisle. I got up after him and followed him to the closest seat. "Boyd stop," I scolded quietly as Scott grabbed his hand.

"Let go," He seethed, his yellow eyes flashing brightly.

"You got a plan? Tell me your brilliant plan, and I'll let go," Scott said and Boyd looked over to Ethan as he tried pulling away. "What are you gonna do? Kill him? Right here? And then what? What are you gonna do after that?"

"I don't care," He growled back.

"I do," I said firmly as I held his shoulders back, "You can't go around killing people," I told him harshly as Isaac looked at Scott, noticing the large wound on his abdomen.

"Whoa, whoa! You're still hurt?" He pointed out and Scott sighed, brushing off the comment.

"I'm fine," He replied, "Give me a chance to figure something out-- something that doesn't have to end with someone else dying," He opposed and Boyd nodded slowly.

"Okay," He finally said.

I looked towards Scott and headed back to our seats. Boyd wasn't going to try anything but we still had to keep an eye on him, just in case. "Crisis averted?" Stiles asked.

"Mhm," I hummed as I took my seat.

"Okay, good, 'cause we got another problem," Stiles told us and I groaned. I wasn't in the mood for playing superhero today, especially after everything that's happened. "Ethan keeps checking his phone, like, every five minutes. It's like, he's waiting for someone, you know? Like, a message or a signal of some kind. I don't know, something evil though, I can tell. I have a very perceptive eye for evil, you know that,"

"I don't like him sitting with Danny," I added as I looked at the two boys who were sitting together. I didn't trust Ethan, and I didn't trust him to be all nice and friendly with Danny.

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