the truth & the necklace

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"Thanks for taking me home", Jungkook said to Namjoon who smiled for him, hiding how he felt. Jungkook got out the car and then Namjoon said, "Wait". 

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed. "I'll be here for you, call me anytime".

"Thank you", Jungkook walked away and went home sad. He didn't expect that once Yoongi and him were together, that things would go downhill. 

It didn't make sense, Jungkook knew he likes Yoongi, a lot at that. 

It made him sad that Yoongi lied, that they weren't working out, that the friendships Yoongi has are now crumbling down because of him. 

It sucks.


Jimin sat in his room, his anxiety kicking in like no tomorrow. It sucked, his heart rate was too fast, he felt it, his palms got sweaty and sitting in his room did him no good. 

He had to get out the house. 

He threw on his leather jacket and his fake ID and ran out of the house. 

It was time to forget the look of Yoongi's face when he swung at him, the look of Jin's face wondering why he did what he did. 



"Namjoon", Jin hugged him, welcoming him to his apartment that he knows all too well. "What's wrong?" Jin let him go and Namjoon welcomed himself and sighed. "I'm confused". 

"On what?" Jin asked. 

"I like you, but...I like someone else right now and-" 

"Jungkook huh?" Jin said as he was getting Namjoon some water. "Yeah...him, and I don't know what I should do". 

"About me?" Jin handed Namjoon the glass. 

It pained Jin to know that Namjoon was slowly slipping out of his life, but it was for the best, they've been nothing but having ups and downs, there was never a full moment of happiness because something always came up. 

"I mean, you're going to leave again right?" Namjoon asked bitterly. Jin sat next to Namjoon and put a hand on his thigh, "I told all of you I would leave and comeback, I'm back when I say I'll leave again and comeback, it'll happen". 

Namjoon did feel like a child with Jin. Not in a good way like Jin made him feel free, but like despite Jin being only a year older than him, he felt like he was still immature. 

"I'll comeback again...if you want, but if not, then...I won't", Jin looked away from Namjoon. "I don't want to be a second choice from the decision of if you want to be with Jungkook or not". 

Namjoon clenched his jaw, "Did you ever care to think about how it felt for me, to know that the boy I loved so much decided to leave and be a dumb model-" 

"Don't degrade my career-"

"Don't degrade me! You treat me like a toy, you didn't even think twice about leaving did you?" 

Jin shook his head, "This was a great chance for me, I took it, aren't you happy for me?" 

"You don't see the problem do you?" Namjoon was getting frustrated and Jin wasn't having any of it, "You're upset because you think that I didn't care-"

Namjoon threw the glass of water Jin gave him onto the floor. 

"Namjoon!", Jin yelled, trying to pick up some of the pieces of glass. 

"Stop it already", Namjoon said but Jin put some of the glass he picked up on his table and went back to pick up some more.

"Jin!", Namjoon lifted him up back to his feet and saw that the older's hand was scratched up.  

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