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Namjoon covered the younger boy's eye with his hands, "Hey baby", he smirked.

"Oh fuck off Namjoon".

"You're so cute", Namjoon removed his hand.

This was their first ever interaction.

"Oh you're so short", Namjoon was more than happy. "Shut up", Jungkook began walking down the stairs.

"Hold on baby!" Namjoon slid down the stairs on the rail which did earn a smile from Jungkook since the older almost fell.

"So what do you want to do baby?" Namjoon walked beside Jungkook. "You asked me out today, don't you have anything planned?"

Namjoon gulped, most...if anything everyone who he's gotten at always had a set mind for a day out with him.

"Well is this a date?" Namjoon asked which caused to Jungkook sigh, "You're the one trying to get at me! So you tell me!"

Namjoon was speechless.

"Um...yes?" The sight of no confidence was enough the younger.

Jungkook scoffed, "Talk to me when you have an idea". Jungkook walked away and Namjoon got the memo: Jungkook was quite the challenge.

"Does it hurt your pride?" Jimin asked Namjoon who was still a speechless giant.


"People are staring", Jimin said.

And he was right, because no one talked to Namjoon like that.

"You alright there motherfucker?" Jungkook had a warm smile seeing Yoongi.

"Yeah, this guy is trying to talk to me, you know Namjoon?"

Yoongi froze. He was thinking, he can't mess up.

"You caused quite a commotion", Yoongi ignored the question. Jungkook began walking with Yoongi, "Well it's not my fault! Can't stand people like that".

"People like?"

"People who expect to always be put on a pedestal because they're good thinking".

Yoongi frowned a little, "So you think he's good looking?"

"I'm not tolerating dumb behavior but I'm also not blind, yeah he's attractive".

Yoongi bit his tongue and opened the door out for Jungkook.

"But you're my type anyways".

"You're welc- Huh?" Yoongi's eyes widen. "The date was really fun", Jungkook smiled.

Yoongi swore his heart skipped a beat, that smile, he loves it.

"You want to go on another date right no-"


Jungkook cocked his head, and Yoongi didn't even want to turn around.

"Hey, you're Jungkook".

"How do you know my name?"

"I'm Jimin, Park Jimin, friend of Yoongi's".

"Oh, hello", Jungkook bowed a little trying to show some respect.

"So Yoongi", Jimin gripped him by the shoulder. "What are you doing?"

The two both knew what he was really asking but the youngest only felt some tension, didn't think much of it.

"I'll go, bye Yoongi, by Jimin hyung", Jungkook began walking away.

"He doesn't call you hyung?" Jimin was concerned with how close the two were already.

"I know Namjoon doesn't care because he's a you know what-"

"A player and wants whoever to feel comfortable", Yoongi stated.

"So what are you doing?" Jimin asked.

"None of your business-" Yoongi turned around to get to his car but was stopped by Jimin who pulled him by his hoodie.

"Fuck is wrong with you?" Yoongi was getting angry.

"The fuck is wrong with YOU", Jimin was more angry. "You know Namjoon is trying to get with him, why are you trying too?"

"Don't worry about it-"

"You're going to ruin our friendship".

"Piss off", Yoongi freed himself from Jimin's hold.

"I won't tell Namjoon, but you got to tell him one day".

"Why are you helping me then?" Yoongi wondered. Jimin smirked, "Because we both know who would treat the kid better, I've never seen you go after someone at all".

And that stayed in Yoongi's mind.

Yoongi would get his fair share of people leaving him notes, asking him to dances, dates.

Girls love him, guys love him, theys love him.

But he never perused any of them.

However Jungkook.

Yoongi's thoughts were interrupted with a phone call from Jimin.


They two had a call about some party, the 1st party to kick off their final year.

"Wait, Jimin could prevent Jungkook from seeing me with Namjoon?"

Jimin sighed.

"Why?" Yoongi explained how Jungkook would categorize him with Namjoon.

Yoongi didn't want that.

"But-" Jimin couldn't even talk.

That's the misconception of things.

Everyone sees them as the popular kids, and they are, they're very social. However they're all different still. Namjoon was the biggest player of them all, Jimin was more quiet about his doing, and Yoongi is just flat out mysterious.

"Fine, whatever".

Jimin grew frustrated.

He knew there was storm coming.


I really had a guy in the summer ( last year ) ask to hang out then proceed to ask me if it was a date, like ? YOU TELL YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ASKED ME TO HANG OUT?


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