RvB S2 E8 Nine tenths of the law

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Red base
Sarge,Allison,and Donut are being brief of what happen when they went to get Jack and Crystal.

Sarge: So...when you got to the base you saw the teal one kneeling in front of the cobalt one?

Grif: Yep.

Allison: What the literal fuck.

Sarge: Jack, Crystal, What the hell were they doing?

Jack: Trying to figure out Lopez's body to get his maintenance sequence on.

Donut: But didn't you guys say that Lopez learned how to fix stuff?

Jack: Ya but they didn't know that.(looks to his parents) hey mom you remember that clone I called my twin brother.

Allison: Ya? What about him?

Crystal then appears before them.

Crystal: He's alive! And in blood gulch!

Allison and Sarge are shocked they had thought what Jack and Crystal thought when his clone was dead but that turn out to be alive and now they have another son!

Jack: And you guys know that A.I...F.I.L.I.S.?

Sarge: What about that damn A.I.

Crystal: She fragmented from her own body and got him out of that hellhole and now is keeping a eye on him.

Allison and Sarge are again shocked that the A.I that helped torture Jack and Crystal fragmented from her old self and kept Jack's clone safe all this time.

Allison: So who's your clone and the A.I on blue team?

Jack: Caboose and Sheila.

Sarge: WOW never thought I would have these many kids.

Blue base
Church,Tucker,Caboose,and Sheila are trying to repair Church's legs.

Church: Alright guys, what the hell are we gonna do? I gotta get my legs working here.

Tucker: I don't know, but I can't just keep pulling wires down there. I think we should call in a professional, maybe some one who can fix the tank too.

Church: Okay, great idea, but the only people that can do that are senior El roboto,Tex and that blood red guy who just left with the other Reds.

Caboose: Hmm, Tex can be kinda hard to work with.

Tucker: Yeah, dead people usually are.

Church: quite frankly, Tucker, I find your attitude offensive.

Caboose: What about that Lopez person? Is he available?

Sheila: No, he's Church's host, remember?

Caboose: Well,why don't you just leave his body, and Tucker,Sheila, and I will make him fix his body and my ultimate weapon.

Tucker/Sheila: Ultimate weapon?

Church: What're you, a retard?

Caboose: I-I mean uh,Tucker, Sheila,and I will make him fix you, and ah, the tank that means nothing to me,uh then we can get you back in his body when he is done.

Tucker: I'm confused. That actually seems like a good idea.

Church: I know...

Tucker: But Caboose said it.

Sheila: Why does that surprise you?

Tucker then hits Church with his pistol.

Church: OW! What the hell! What was that for?!

Tucker: I don't know, I thought maybe I was dreaming, so I punched you to make sure I wasn't.

Sheila: Tucker, when you think you're dreaming, you don't punch somebody else! You get somebody else to pinch you!

Church: If you dented me, Tucker, I'm going to be pissed!

Tucker: Yeah,yeah,yeah...

Church: Let's try this. I'll jump outta Lopez's body real quick you three just watch him and make sure he doesn't try anything. Got it?

Tucker/Caboose/Sheila: Okay, Church.

Church:(clears throat) Alright, here goes nothing.hegerker.(Church leaves Lopez's body).

Tucker:(turns towards Caboose) You know, I have to hand it to you Caboose, you finally come up with a good idea.

Caboose:(turns towards Tucker) Aw, thanks, man. It was nothing.

Lopez looks around confused.

Sheila: No,No, you really contributed that's what it's all about.

Lopez turns around and runs off the base and heads towards Red base.

Caboose: You know, I just enjoy the process.

Church:(hologram form) Yeah, back as a hologram, alright! Man, I forgot how good this feels...kinda loosey goosey. Hey what'd you guy's do with my host body?

Tucker: What do you care about your host body, you can't even move your-

The Blue team members turn and see Lopez running to Red base.

Tucker: Oh hey! Look your legs work!

O'mally:(holds up the sniper rifle) This one is mine!(starts shooting).

Church: Hey, Caboose! Whoa, cut it out, man! You're gonna damage my host body! (turns towards Tucker) Tucker, you guys go through the teleporter and cut him off, I'll meet you guys out there.(fades away).

Tucker: There's no way I'm going through the teleporter again. I still got this tingle in the back of my...look,dude, I'm not going back through the teleporter,okay?

Caboose: But Church said so-

Tucker: Yeah, but Church didn't think of THIS!(throws a grenade through the teleporter) Come on, let's go!( runs off the base)

Middle of canyon
Lopez is half way to Red base when he stopped by Church in front of the Blues teleporter exit.

Church: Alright, hold it right there,amigo.

The grenade comes out the teleporter exit.

Lopez:(look's down and see's the grenade)>Look,what a fine thing<.(runs away).

Church: Hey, I said hold it, not run away! You big...robot baby! What the hell? That rock looks just like a grenade...Ah crap. (It explodes).

Red base
The explosion being seen from Red base and a notification from a certain someone brings Crystal excitement! Sarge then walks to Grif who is looking through a sniper rifle.

Sarge: What in the Sam hell is going on out there,Grif?

Grif: Sir, I think we're under attack. A very sloppy,poorly coordinated attack.

Sarge: How many-

Crystal then interrupters Sarge and appears.

Crystal: SARGE! Lopez's beacon just been activated!

Sarge: All right, lets go get him back, Jack take the turret, Simmons drive, and I'll take the passenger seat.

Sarge,Jack with Crystal who's in his helmet, and Simmons get in the warthog and drives towards Lopez's location. Allison,Grif,and Donut watch as they drive away.

Allison:(yells to them) Stay safe and bring him home!

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