RvB S2 E3 Red vs bleu

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Blue base
The Reds and Blues have seized fire. During which Sarge is addressing Church

Sarge: We are giving you a chance to surrender!

Jack: Simmons why the hell did you give Sarge a plan could get him killed!

Simmons: It was the first thing that popped into my head! And the positively no way they know we're outta ammo

The blues

Church: Yeah, there're definitely outta of ammo...(yells back) what're your terms!

Tucker: Their what?

Sheila: Their what now?

Back to the Reds

Grif: Our what?

Sarge: I can't believe this acutely working. Crystal I'll see if I can get Lopez back.

Crystal: Can I help to?

Sarge: Sure

Crystal: Yes!

Jack: They must be the most stupid soldiers of all time!

Allison: Got to agree on that one son.

Donut: Oooo, Sarge-tell the we want their flag.

Sarge: Alright,Blues! First off! We want your flag-!

Tex:(inside Sarges helmet) Wait,wait,wait, just a second. The last time you guys got the flag. I showed up.

(A/N Tex will stay hidden from the blues until she takes over Lopez)

Sarge:...To stay right where it is! Keep the flag! But we do want out mechanized droid teammate back!

Church: Uh oh.

Crystal then appears next to Sarge

Crystal: You may know him as "Lopez the heavy" or in another name our unborn child's farther!

Back to the Jack,Simmons,Allison,and Grif

Grif: Damn she is pissed.

Allison: Ya I know how would feel if my fiancé was taken form me.

(A/N Sarge is Leonard's younger brother so Allison,Jack, Carolina,and mysterious siblings can keep their last name)

Jack: I'm glad your marring sarge mom.

Allison: I am to.

Back to the Blues

Tucker: Well,Church, what's it gonna be?

Church: Chingado, no way I'm not giving back my body. I just got this thing!

Sheila: And I don't think that Pregnant FULL A.I wouldn't be to please to hear that.

Crystal:(distance) And if I don't see him I'm going to kill the A.I fragment that took him!

Church:(yells back nervously) Uh...Uh, he's not here anymore!

A digital bullet pass over his head and into the wall behind him!


Tucker:(scared shit-less) Y-Yeah, he left! He was all like "sayonara" and then he just took off!

Church:(turns towards Tucker) That's not Spanish you idiot that's French. Let's try this (turns towards the Reds) hey Reds! How about a medic?! Would you take a medic as a prisoner?!

Doc: A prisoner? But I'm supposed to go over there.

Back to the Reds

Allison: That sounds pretty good to me can check on you guys for anything wrong.

Back to the Blues

Church: Hey, Doc. How's the patient?

Doc: Doing we'll...But all the damaged from your bullet cause a lot of nerve and tissue damage. I had to remove one of his toes.

Caboose:(sad) Rest in piece, pinkie toe...(O'mally voice) you shall be avenged!

Church: Okay! We're gonna send out our medic! Now what do we get?!

Simmons: You?! You're surrendering! You don't get anything except humiliation and ridicule!

Tucker: We've already got that! What else do you have?!

Grif: What the hell do you want then!?

Church: How about a prisoner for the medic?

The Reds gather around to discuss who will be the Blue prisoner.

Sarge: So...who wants to be the Blues prisoner?

There is a silence for a few seconds...until Jack breaks it

Jack: I'll do it.

Everyone then turns towards Jack like he's got a second head.

Allison: What?! Why?

Jack: Because me and Crystal can see if omega has jumped into one of them.

Tex:(in all the Reds headsets) It's sounds like a plan but are you sure about this?

Crystal: Yes we're sure.

Sarge: Alright then. I'll tell them.(towards the Blues) ok we agree to send one of ours over. But we have to talk about the terms.

~Two hours later~

Church: Okay then! We agree to the terms?! We send our medic and you send your guy over at the same time.

Sarge: Alright get going Jack well see you soon.

Jack nods his head and starts walking towards blue base with his hands on his head and unarmed well expect for his energy sword  that is hidden in his wrest, while Doc walks by him.

Church: Alright Caboose take him into the cells, Tucker go with them and watch him.

Doc then walks up to the Reds and is in front of Grif.

Grif: Man I hope your worth it for what our friend had to do.

Red vs blue season 2 (male oc x sister)Where stories live. Discover now