Chapter 18: Moonlit Night

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It was late at night but I couldn't I felt restless. I was up all night thinking about literally nothing of importance.
I shook my head and I looked out the window at the night sky. "It's gorgeous when it's dark." I mumbled staring at the bright stars and moon it was almost as if they were calling my name. I quickly put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white sweatshirt with my light brown hair in a ponytail I snuck outside.
"Shy we're going out tonight." I whispered to my kwami.
"Are you sure?" Shy yawned.
"Yes my sleepy kwami we won't be caught." I promised.
"If you say so." Shy said.
I kept looking over my shoulder almost as if someone was watching. It was probably my intense fear of getting caught. Paris was gorgeous at night. The streets were lit up and anyone could just basque in the glory and beauty of this city.
"I think someone is following us." Shy remarked.
"I have the same feeling." I mumbled. I kept looking over my shoulder making sure no one was there. Until I saw a shadowy figure and I froze hoping it wasn't someone evil.
"Kle?" A familiar voice said in a confused tone.
I looked over a shocked looked on my face when I saw my blonde hair and green eyed boyfriend. "Adrian." I said with a small smile you startled me.
"Heh I didn't mean to." Adrien said with an awkward chuckle. "But what are you doing out here so late?"
"I could ask you the same. Isn't it a bit too late for you?"" I asked.
"Sometimes I need fresh air to clear my head." Adrien sighed.
"That's why I'm out here tonight. So maybe we could walk together?" I suggested.
"Are you asking me on a date." Adrien smirked.
"I am." I confidently stated.
Adrien took my hand with a smile on his face. "Come on lets explore Paris together."
I giggled and we were walking hand in hand around Paris.
"Where do you want to go?" Adrien asked.
"It's quite late so I doubt anything is open and we don't want to be caught so maybe let's find a place to watch the stars." I suggested.
"Anything for my beautiful girlfriend." Adrien smirked. "And I know just the spot."
Adrien pulled me along Paris until we got to a building.
"We're going to climb up just trust me." Adrien smiled.
I nodded putting my full faith in him. I started climbing and Adrien followed right behind me until we got to the top. I looked and saw a blanket laid out.
"I come here whenever I need time to think and I wanted to show you this spot for awhile and I think now is the perfect time." Adrien said with a bright smile.
"It's stunning." I said my eyes gleaming with excitement.
We sat down on the blanket and Adrien wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest with both of our hearts racing and our faces blushing madly.
"You know the stars and the night sky may be stunning but none can compare to your beauty." Adrien flirted his face becoming even more red.
"You're such a romantic." I said feeling even more of a blush appear on my face.
I then felt rain land on me.
"Oh it's raining." I said.
"We should probably get back before we get caught and my father kills me and your father kills you." Adrien said.
"We probably should but I did enjoy our date." I smiled.
"Who said it's over yet? I'm going to walk you home and make sure you get home safe." Adrien beamed.
"Then let's go before we get trapped in a storm." I joked.
He took my hand and we began the walk. The rain was pouring even harder and he placed his jacket over us so we wouldn't get terribly soaked. But alas we were soaked.
"The rain is getting harder!" I said louder than normal as it was getting hard to hear.
"Well we're almost at your house!" Adrien replied.
We made it to my house and I stopped.
"Why are you stopping?" Adrien asked.
"Because of this." I began.
I walked over to him both of us blushing and I kissed him softly in the rain.
"Now that's the perfect end to the perfect date." Adrien said with his adorable smile.
"It is." I said. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow beautiful." Adrien said.
I snuck back inside as Adrien was walking home the rain let up.
"Did you have a fun date?" Shy asked.
"Of course I did." I said with a lovestruck smile remembering the kiss.
"And you're already thinking about it." Shy sighed.
"You would to." I said trying to defend myself.
"Kleo you and Adrien are a cute couple you don't have to explain it. But next time you want to sneak out and awake me from my slumber give me a three day notice." Shy yawned.
"I think I can finally go to bed." I yawned.
"Goodnight Kleo I'm glad I'm yours." Shy yawned.
"Goodnight Shy Im glad you are mine too." I smiled and went to bed.

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