Chapter 9: Pharaoh

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I was at home watching the lady blog. I saw Alya grab a book that Ladybug dropped. Is Ladybug a tenth grade student? I thought. I saw a text message on my phone from Marinette. Hey do you want to go to an exhibit? I messaged back sure. I was walking with Alya and Marinette. Look at this place. I said. How does this exhibit have something to do with Ladybug? Alya asked. Yeah it's over here. Marinette said quickly. I wonder who Ladybug is. I said. Me too. Alya said. I wonder who Grey Swan is. Marinette said. No, she only uses a bow and arrow and has wings she isn't special. I said. Isn't special are you kidding me Grey Swan is the most mysterious super hero ever. Alya said. He reminds me of someone else. Marinette said. Who? I asked. She looked at Alya. You. Marinette said. I laughed. I saw the boy obsessed with King Tut get yelled at. I'm going to show you the secret I found out about Ladybug. Marinette said. About time this better be blog worthy. Alya said. What is it? I asked. It's making my eyes hurt. Alya said. I looked back and I saw an akumatized victim trapping people. Marinette grabbed Alya and I and pulled us over to cover. Alya ran and started to blog. Hide! I yelled to Alya. I have to transform. I thought and ran the other way to cover. Shy feathers on! I yelled and transformed into Grey Swan. I ran to where Alya was. Hey Mummy look at me! I yelled. That counts as stealing. Ladybug said. I'm just taking back what's mine. The Pharaoh. If you were the real one. I quickly said. I shot an arrow at him. How nice of you to hold the door open. Cat Noir said. The Pharaoh threw Cat Noir. I ran to the tomb where Cat Noir was entombed. Hey I can walk. I heard Alya say. Let her go! Ladybug yelled. Why hide behind a bystander if you weren't weak. I said with a glare. I'm stronger then you. He said. Cat Noir get us out of here. I said. He used his cataclysm and rusted the metal bars. All three of us ran. Alya is brave. He said. Bossy and feisty too. Ladybug said. How are we going to find them? I asked. She has a live blog. Marinette said. Go ahead I have to wait until my miraculous is charged again. Cat Noir said. Hurry. I said. He wants to bring his lover back. I told Ladybug. That's why he needs Alya. Ladybug said. I'm in a time bubble. Ladybug complained. I'm going to go on ahead. I told her. She nodded. I flew to where Alya was. Who is that with the wings? Alya asked. That's Grey Swan my enemy. He said. Hey look Ladybug is there too. I said making my presence known. I'm going to stop you. I said. You don't look a day over 3,000. Cat Noir said. I guess that's why Grey Swan and I are wiser. Ladybug said. He opened a portal for the ritual. Cat Noir take down the mummies Ladybug and I have the Pharaoh. I said. I shot an arrow the Pharaoh and Ladybug grabbed Alya. The Pharaoh pushed Ladybug down and flew with Alya. Alya was being sucked into the light beam. I flew to Alya while Ladybug and Cat Noir dealt with the rest. It's okay Alya I'll save you I thought. Pharaoh flew to me and I grabbed his pendant and threw it to Cat Noir. The pendant! I yelled. Lucky Charm! Ladybug yelled. I saw her item. This offering isn't good enough for Nefertiti. I said. Hey thanks a lot! Alya yelled. It's to late. Pharaoh said. Sacrifice me. Ladybug said. No sacrifice me! I yelled. It would be the sweetest revenge. I added. That's true. He said. He threw Alya out of the light beam and put me into the beam. I handed over a fake necklace that Ladybug threw to me. De evilize the akuma! I yelled. Time to de evilize! Ladybug yelled. Bye bye little butterfly. Ladybug said. Miraculous ladybug! Ladybug yelled. I got off the beam and flew to the ground. How old are you really? Alya asked. Much older than a high school student Ladybug and I answered. I saw Cat Noir run away and I flew away the opposite way. I transformed into Kleo again and walked home and went to my room. I know I'm not 5,000 year old or much older but who was that Grey Swan? I asked Shy. Super heroes like you and Ladybug have been around for a long time and I watch over every Grey Swan. Shy said. I guess I'm not a good Grey Swan right? I asked. Every Grey Swan is different but you are kind and smart and you try and help you even helped those in a different country. Shy said. Thanks Shy. I said. But I think Ladybug is Marinette and Cat Noir is Adrien. I said. Why do you say that? Shy asked. I just have my suspicions especially about Ladybug and Marinette. I said. You might be right but their personalities don't align. Shy said. But my personality changes when I am Grey Swan like I'm more mysterious and more caring so their personalities might change to. I said. Maybe you should ask Marinette. Shy suggested. She would never admit it. I said. That's true so I guess we will never know the truth kinda like why you have feelings for Cat Noir. Shy teased. I do not like Cat Noir. I said. Yes you do you can tell. Shy joked. Ha ha very funny. I said.

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