Chapter 7: Time Stop

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I was at Marinette's house. Helping her mom try and figure out the best thing to wear for her parents wedding anniversary. Married 20 years times flies. I told Marinette after they left. It really does. She said. Time flies when you are having fun. She said. It also doesn't go fast when you do work. I added and we both laughed. Is everything okay with you and Chloé? She asked. Not really. I admitted. I'm sorry I hope it gets better. She said. I hope so too we have always been close but this fight might have ruined it. I said. I'm sure it will get better. Ring ring. We heard. It's Alya. Marinette said. Wait the bet between Alex and Kim of course I didn't forget I made the banner for it. She said. It starts in five minutes. I said in a hurry. No sweat Kleo and I are on our way already. She said. We have to wait so they can pick up the cake. I said. We just need to hurry I'll go grab with the banner. I said. Okay. She said and handed me the banner. I want to the bathroom quickly. Feathers on! I yelled and transformed to Grey Swan. I flew to a little to where the race is. Grey Swan! I heard someone yell to me. I looked back. Ladybug. I said. How did you get that banner? She asked. I saw a girl drop it. I said and hid it. Oh okay I have to go. She said. I have to go catch up to that girl. I said and flew off. The coast was clear and I transformed back. Here is the banner. I said. You guys are cheering for the wrong team she is probably chicken. Kim said. I doubt it. I said. I saw Alex roll up. Marinette! I yelled. Are we ready? She asked. Yeah they are starting. I whispered to her. We are done with the dares! Everyone yelled. Hold up. Alex said. Hold on to this will you. She said and put something in Alya's hand. Alya handed it to Marinette. It's a family thing guard it. Alex said. I looked at Chloé and I whispered I'm sorry. They ran off and Marinette dropped the item Alya gave to her. But before it could hit the ground Adrien caught it. Whoops looks like you dropped something. He said and handed it to Marinette who was a blushing mess. Thanks. She said. Hi Alex! I cheered. Chloé grabbed the item before Marinette could of got it back. Give it back Chloé it's Alex's. I said. It's probably worthless like you. She said with a smirk and pressed it. Ahhh! She screamed and dropped it on the track. Which caused Alex to run over it. Oh! Everyone said. Yeah! Alex cheered. I call a re match that foul start threw me off. Kim said. Alex noticed that the watch  broke. Did you do this?! She yelled and looked at Alya. I had to video tape the race. Alya said. I gave it to Marinette who gave it to Adrien then Chloé dropped it. Alya said nervously. My old man gave this to me for my birthday. She said. It was an accident. I said to Alex. We didn't mean any harm. Adrien said. As if I totally had nothing to do with it. Chloé said. You are all to blame! Alex screamed and skated away. I ran after her and Marinette followed. Alex wait! I yelled. I can't believe Chloé. I thought. The cake! I yelled to Marinette. There is still time. She said. Maybe we can fix the watch. I told Alex as I caught up to her. This watch was sick, one of a kind it can't be fixed. She said. There has to be way to fix it. I said. Like how huh go back in time?! She snapped. I'm trying to help you stop being mean just because you are hurt! I snapped back. You sound just like your sister. She mumbled. Marinette got a phone call. Hello dad. She started. I saw Alex skate by. I ran to her. Stop! I yelled. The name is Time breaker. She said. I'm going to go back in time to save my watch and I'm going to use you guys to do it. She said in a dangerous tone. Why is he fading? Marinette asked. I needed his energy. She said. The dude was a pain. She added. You both deserve to fade along with him! She yelled and she skated to us. I dodged it quickly. I ran up the stairs and I hid behind a wall. Shy feathers on! I yelled. I transformed to Grey Swan. I saw Ladybug. I needed something to do anyway. I told her. I shot an arrow on her. Help me up please! She begged and a girl helped her and Time breaker took her energy. No! Ladybug and I yelled. We have to destroy her akuma. I told Ladybug. Where is Cat Noir? I questioned. I ran with Ladybug to stop Time Breaker. Let me guess we are all playing a game of tag and you are it? Cat Noir asked. Exactly. She said. Don't let her touch you! I yelled. Missed me! He yelled. The Time Breaker saw Alya and collected her energy. The more she freezes the more she goes back in time. Ladybug said. Keep your hands to yourself! I yelled and shot an arrow at her. She was about to touch me but Cat Noir went in front of me. Cat Noir no! I yelled. I'm not letting you get to him! I yelled and pushed her away. I went into the past with her. I saw everything as it played out again. My watch! She yelled. Chloé! I yelled. Alex watched the watch break a second time. Grey Swan it's your fault! She yelled. I need more energy. She muttered. Alex got mad again but at me. Everyone get out and don't let her touch you! I yelled and they ran but I saw past Adrien go behind a tree. Who are you? Past me asked. I can't explain. I said. But I'm you from a couple minutes in the future. I said. This is unbelievable. Past me said. The akuma is in her roller blades. I told Cat Noir. Am I seeing double? He asked. I guess I am too. I said. We got this. I said. They started to attack us but I managed to shoot an arrow at one of them. I think we need more help. I said. Then I saw another Grey Swan come down and shoot an arrow. Need a hand? Past me asked. We do. I said. I saw Ladybug come in too. Change we go back in time now. One of the evil Alex's said. I'm down. The other said. Their planning to go back in time. I said in unison. Two Grey Swans im defiantly in heaven. Cat Noir said. Lucky charm. Ladybug said. She ended up with a traffic cone and rope. I have it. She said. I'll by time with Cat Noir. I said and we ran off to them. I'm not letting you escape. I said and shot an arrow. Now! I yelled. Ladybug shot her yo yo. Graceful arrow! I yelled and launched an arrow. They flew up and their skates fell off. I broke the shoes and a butterfly came out. Then Ladybug de evilized the butterfly. Miraculous ladybug! She said. That was tuff. I sighed. Here. I said and handed Alex her family's watch as she came back to normal. I shouldn't of let anyone else watch it it was my responsibility. She said. You shouldn't take responsibility lightly but it is a lesson learned. I said and smiled. My lesson is totally learned. She said. Then I went back to my timeline. I went behind a building and transformed back into Kleo. But how am I going to deal with Chloé. I thought.

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