Chapter 15: Animan

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I  was at school hanging with Adrien and we saw Nino staring at Marinette.
"Fyi Marinette will never fall in love with a statue." Adrien said smirking.
"Shhh! You know I'm no good with the ladies. Especially this one. I mean dude do I go up there and tell her a joke? Or shoot her a compliment? Or invite her to the zoo?" Nino said.
"Nino you are overthinking it." I said.
"Invite her to the zoo are you serious?" Adrien asked side hugging Nino.
"There is a cool exhibit there." Nino mumbled.
"Just be yourself." I and Adrien said.
"Yeah that's easy for you to say Mr cover of teen model weekly. I'm not that cool." Nino said sadly.
"Nino, you need to think better of yourself and be confident." I said.
"Yeah Nino you are so cool dude otherwise you wouldn't be my best friend." Adrien said.
"Invite her to the zoo she'll say yes I promise." Adrien added confident.
Nino fixed his red hat and walked to Marinette then ran back to us.
"What if I act like a moronisourous or she dissed me or she thinks I'm lame or- Nino began.
"It's okay I got your back so does Kleo." Adrien said and I nodded in agreement.
Adrien and Nino fist bumped.
  Nino walked in front of Marinette as she was walking.
"I'm so sorry." Adrien said.
"S-sorry." Nino stuttered.
Marinette laughed nervously.
I looked down and I saw the magazine.
"She probably is just looking at the fashion." I thought.
"Ahhh!" Marinette yelled.
Adrien and Marinette reached down for it at the same time.
"Sorry." They both said.
I could tell Adrien was uncomfortable but Marinette she wasn't.
Marinette swooped and grabbed it.
"How about we all check out the zoo today?" Adrien asked.
"They got a new panther." Nino said.
I could see Marinette was excited and trying to hold it in.  I glared sightly at her.
"Is there going to be a bit of drama between Marinette and I?" I thought.
"Awesome idea! Right Marinette?" Alya asked.
"Yeah I'm really into zooninals." Marinette said.
"Okay so after school about 4 o clock." Adrien said.
Nino nodded happy.
"Cool. 4 o clock then:" I said.
Alya's POV
"Uhh Marinette you have realized that the guy you are crazy about just asked you out right ?" I asked.
Marinette was smiling.
"Uhh Earth to Marinette. Sorry to say this but Adrien is taken." I  said.
Marinette looked down sadly. "That's true. Buttt they could always break up." Marinette said hopeful.
"I wouldn't try to mess with their relationship Marinette." I suggested.
"Alright." She said glumly.
Kleo's POV
"How did you do that dude?" Nino asked.
"Like I said just be yourself." Adrien said.
"Right sure if I could be yourself. Myself don't work that way." Nino said sadly.
"Nino you need to just talk to her." I said.
"You are being ridiculous of you can when you're alone with Marinette at the zoo later on." Adrien said and threw his soda can.
"Woah! What do you mean alone with Marinette? Oh no dude you're coming with me you can leave me alone by myself uhuh." Nino said.
"But I was going to hang out with my girlfriend." Adrien said.
"Kleo can come too." Nino said.
"Want to?" Adrien asked.
"I'm always here to help a friend." I said.
Marinette POV
I was waiting for Adrien and I had the clip in my ear.
"Oh where are you love of my life?" I asked.
"How is Adrien suppose to be the love of your life if you can't talk to him and he is taken?" Tiki asked.
"Stay out of sight. I'm going to talk to him you'll see." I said.

Kleo's POV
Adrien and I are behind the bushes while Nino was with Marinette.
"Tell her that you will be better off without me." Adrien said.
"We will be better off without me." Nino said.
"Huh?" Marinette asked confused.
I sighed.
"This trip is turning out to be a lot more interesting." Plack said.
"Very." Shy said.
"Shhh!" Adrien and I said.
  "Tell her you want to be alone with her." I said.
"Not yet." Nino said.
"What was that?" Marinette asked.
"You're right we will wait." Nino said.
"No what are you talking about!? Don't wait for me. I'm not coming!" Adrien said.
  "He isn't coming isn't he?" Marinette asked too sadly.
"Say. Yes he is but first I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I love you Marinette." You said.
"Yes he is but first I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I love a girl but I don't know how to tell her." Nino said.
"Oh no." I said and sighed.
"What are you doing?" Adrien asked.
"This is getting good." Shy commented.
"You're enjoying this to much Shy." I sighed.
"I can help you with that." Marinette said.
"Tell her it's you." Adrien said.
"It's youuuur best friend Alya." Nino lied.
"What?! Adrien Marinette and I yelled confused and shocked.
"Alya! Awesome!" Marinette said.
"I can fix up a date for you guys." She added.
"It would be so sad if you didn't tell her." She said happy.
I saw the animals start to run and Adrien grabbed my hand and we jumped into the bushes.
"Time to transform." Shy said.
"Shy feathers on." I said  and transformed.
"Hello my dear Swan." Cat Noir said.
"No time for flirting." I said.
  "You lost kid what do you think about panthers now?" The panther asked.
"And what do you think about Ladybugs?" Ladybug asked.
"And another black cat?" Cat Noir asked.
"And a graceful Grey Swan?" I asked confident.
"I think I'm higher on the food chain." The panther asked.
"You may be higher on the food chain but you aren't in your natural habitat." I retorted.
"Run." I told the civilian.
The civilian ran and the panther tried to get him but Ladybug grabbed the panther and pulled him.
"Cat Noir Grey Swan his bracelet the akuma must be in there." Ladybug said.
"You two hold him I got the bracelet." I said.
We saw the other animals.
"Attack!" The panther commanded.
  Ladybug and Cat Noir started to run and I jumped up and started to fly.
"We need to put them all back in their cages." I said. 
"Oh really I didn't know." Ladybug said sarcastically.
"What do you propose we do?" Cat Noir asked.
"First let's split up." I said.
Ladybug grabbed Nino and Alya. Cat Noir was in a tree and I was on top of the house.
"If Lady de evilizes the akuma then this will stop." I said.
"Good idea Swan." Cat Noir said.
"Let's go." Ladybug said.
We saw the panther got out.
"But it's un breakable." Ladybug said.
"He didn't actually break it." Cat Noir said and handed it to her.
"How did he get out?" I asked.
"I don't know but we better find Ki- I mean the civilian." Cat Noir said.
  We all started to leave and tried to find Kim.
"Over there!" Cat Noir and I said.
  Ladybug grabbed the panther.
"You aren't getting away this time!" I said flying in.
"You'll never get me." The panther said and transformed into an eagle.
"I got this!" I yelled and started to fly.
"Bird and bird." I said to the eagle.
I grabbed an arrow and I shot around it trying to get it to go off balance.
  I was flying after it.
"Graceful arrow!" I yelled and shot it.
It grazed the eagle.
I flew down and I started to run and I jumped into a bush and transformed back into my civilian self.
"I'll give you a break but we need to find Cat Noir and Ladybug." I said.
  I ran and I saw Cat Noir and Ladybug and an alligator.
Cat Noir POV
I looked down and I saw Kleo.
"Kl- I mean a civilian!" I yelled in shock.
I went down there and I picked her up and went into a bakery.
"Hi Ma'am." Ladybug said.
"It's Ladybug." The lady said.
"Is it okay if we leave this wild teen in here too?" I asked.
"It's perfectly fine." The lady with blue hair said.
"Thank you." I said.
"Stay safe don't go into danger." I whispered into her ear.
"I wonder where Swan is." Ladybug said.
"Probably feathered up." I said.

Kleo's POV
I felt useless. Utterly useless. I couldn't help Cat Noir and Ladybug like this.
"You two will be safe here." Ladybug said.
"Can I borrow this?" Ladybug asked Kim.
"Uh sure." He said and handed it to her.
"C'mon Cat Noir make sure you lock all the doors and windows." Ladybug said.
"We'll take care of this quickly." Cat Noir said.
"Thank you sir for all your help." Ladybug said.
"You're welcome Ladybug." He said.
I watched as the two ran out.
"Can I use the restroom?" I asked.
"Yes." Marionette's mom said.
I nodded thank you and went to the restroom and opened my necklace.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
"Yes but what are you going to tell Marinette's parents?" Shy asked.
I sighed. "I have no clue."
I walked out and sat by Kim.
"I wonder if Chloé is okay." I mumbled.
I watched as all three looked away and I snuck away to Marinette's room.
"Shy feathers on." I said and transformed.
I flew downstairs.
"Grey Swan!" The three of them yelled.
"The civilian im going to take to her family there is nothing to fear." I said and ran back into her room and went out a window and I saw the two superhero's in a vehicle.
I saw the animan hit Cat Noir.
I grabbed an arrow and shot a distraction.
"Miss me?" I asked.
I noticed he got tired.
"The more he transforms the more tired he gets." I said.
"Then let him tire himself out. It will be easier to catch his Akuma." Cat Noir said.
"Cataclysm!" He yelled and touched the control system.
Cat Noir grabbed my hand and Cat Noir and I jumped out and Ladybug jumped behind us.
"It's not exactly a cage but it will do." Ladybug said.
"For now at least." I said.
"I don't think he can bear to listen to that noise." Cat Noir joked.
"You're almost to much to bear." Ladybug said.
I laughed at the two. 
"So I guess we wait." I said.
There was a shaking in the ground and he transformed into a dinosaur.
"Ah!" All three of us gasped.
"I'm ready to bounce." I thought.
"Hey since when does extinct animals count?" Cat Noir asked.
"Well I wish they didn't this made the job harder." I said.
"Well a long time ago they went extinct but technically it's still an animal." Ladybug said.
It jumped at us and yelled.
"I know of some other animals that will soon be extinct. The Cat, Swan, and Ladybug!" Cat Noir yelled.
We all ran until I flew and grabbed the two and ducked under a car.
"Lucky charm!" Ladybug yelled.
"A carjack?" I asked confused.
"To bad Animan doesn't have flat tires." Cat Noir joked.
"His front arms are small though." I mumbled.
"So he won't be great at basketball. What are you thinking?" Cat Noir asked.
"Cat climb on top of him where he can't reach you. I'll distract him. Ladybug can get him." I said.
"You are a great tactician." Ladybug complimented.
"Thanks." I said.
"It does sound like a good plan. I can be very distracting." Cat Noir said and leaned in close to me.
"You can be. But not as distracting to distract me from my job." I said and pushed him away.
The dinosaur stepped on the car.
All of us ran. Cat Noir jumped on him and Ladybug threw her yo yo.
"We didn't use her lucky charm." I commented.
"What does this mean?" She asked.
"All three of us rock together." Cat Noir said and walked towards him.
"Wait!" I yelled as the dinosaur screamed. I pulled Cat Noir back.
I got close to the Dino.
"Graceful arrow!" I yelled and shot it.
"Swan!" Cat Noir yelled.
The mouth opened and Ladybug jumped in.
"No!" I yelled and grabbed onto Ladybug and jumped in too.

Cat Noir's POV
I can't believe my eyes.  Ladybug and Kleo are trapped in Animan's mouth.
"Noooo!" I yelled in horror.
I got my staff at.
"You are so going to pay for this!" I yelled mad.
I saw Animan's discomfort and saw Ladybug using her carjack to free the two.
They both stepped out. Kleo flashed me her smile. I smiled back.
Ladybug grabbed the bracelet and broke it.
"No more evil doing for you little akuma." She said.
"Time to deevilize!" She yelled.
"Bye bye little butterfly." She said.
"Miraculous ladybug!" Ladybug yelled.
"Swan!" I yelled and she smiled at me and I tackled her in a hug.
"That was a wild ride." I said.
"It was." She said.
I heard beeping.
"Better take my whiskers and run!" I yelled.

Kleo's POV
I looked off into the distance and saw him running.
"Bye Ladybug." I said and she waved bye.
I ran the other  way and transformed back into my civilian self.
I went back home and flopped on my bed and I got a text from Ayla.
"Thanks for hooking me and Nino up. I know all about yours and Adrien's charade at the zoo."
"Haha  glad it worked out" I messaged back.
I smiled and I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in." I said.
"You got a letter." Chloé said.
"Thanks Chlo." I said.
"What does it say?" She asked.
I opened the letter and examined it.
"It says I can go back to America for another year to study." I said with my eyes wide.
"What?!" Chloé yelled.

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