Chapter 4: Birthday Party

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I was at school just walking out of class. I heard some people whisper about the Grey Swan. I guess my super hero identity is known now. I thought. I saw Chloé hugging Adrien and Marinette holding a gift for him. Is today Adrien's birthday? I thought. Chloé! I yelled. Oh Kleo. She said. Hi Adrien, Marinette and Alya. I said. Hi Kleo. They said. Happy Birthday Adrien. I said with a smile.  Thank you Kleo. He said. Are you going to have a party? I asked. Not this year. He said. His dad won't let him. Nino said. Oh I'm sorry. I said. It's okay Kleo. He said. Let's go Kleo. Chloé said. Bye guys. I said and waved. Bye. They said. Do you know your way home? Chloé asked. I do. I said. Do you like Adrien? She asked. He's a friend I barely know him. I said. She nodded and looked at me suspiciously. I ran away from her into the middle of town. I saw people in green bubbles but all were adults. What is going on? I thought and ran to see. I saw kids crying. We are adult free for a day enjoy it. A villain said. He's akumatized. I whispered. I ran to a bush. Shy feathers on! I yelled and transformed to the Grey Swan. I saw Ladybug. Ladybug! I yelled. Grey Swan. She said. Do you know where we should go? I asked. I think so. She said. I followed Ladybug to a mansion. Look it's the Bubbler. I whispered to her. Are they going to slow dance? I asked. I saw Ladybug get a little jealous and use her lucky charm and changed the song. I have to go I'll be back soon. She said and left. I sighed. So unprofessional. I sighed. I looked around and saw the Bubbler send a kid up in a bubble. Hey stop that! I yelled and flew down there. The Grey Swan. The kids said. I pulled out my bow and launched an arrow at the Bubbler. Kids need adults sometimes they can get a little bossy but adults are here to protect us to love us to care about us! I yelled and launched another arrow. Did we miss much my beautiful Swan? Cat Noir and Ladybug. I said. Adults are important to everyone. Ladybug said. If you love adults so much then join them! The Bubbler yelled and trapped us in a bubble. What are we going to do now? I asked. We can't stay here forever. I added and I watched us float up. Cat Noir use your Cataclysm. I said. You couldn't of said that sooner. He said. Hurry! Ladybug and I yelled. Cataclysm! He yelled and broke the bubble. What do we do know?! He yelled as we were falling. Hand me your staff! Ladybug yelled. She threw his staff and then threw her yo yo and tied it around. Wait why am I falling I have wings. I thought and started to fly to the ground. I saw Ladybug and Cat Noir glide to the ground. We are here to stop you! I yelled to the Bubbler with Ladybug and Cat Noir behind me. Let's hurry up. Cat Noir said. I nodded. Graceful Feather! I yelled and launched an arrow at him causing him to go back. Finish him Ladybug! I yelled. She nodded. Lucky charm! She yelled. How are we going to stop him with a wrench? I asked. Keep him off of me. She said. I lunged at the Bubbler and flew around him and Cat Noir made a smoke scene. I saw Ladybug get his akuma. Looks like we are done. I said. Then it's a sad farewell to you Swan. Cat Noir said. I might see you again Cat. I said and he grabbed my hand and kissed it. Stupid cat. I mumbled. I have to go before I transform. I said and flew off to a safe place. Feathers off. I said and transformed back into a   civilian. That was a battle. I whisper to Shy. Yeah it was and now I'm hungry. She said. Okay let's get you something to eat. I said and walked off with shy in my pocket hidden.

Miraculous: Tales of LadyBug  and Cat Noir Chloé's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now