Chapter 5: Pigeon

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I was at school and I listened to the instructions. I have to design a derby hat and it's judged and Adrien is going to model the winning design. I saw Chloé give a thumbs down to Marinette. How do I design an original derby hat? I thought. I can't believe I have to design under pressure and impress Adrien's dad. I thought while I walked out of class. Marinette! Alya! You called. Hey Kleo! They yelled. Do you guys have a design yet? I asked. Not yet. They said. Me too. I sighed. Hey Kleo. Adrien said and waved. Hi. I said. Those are sick designs Alya. Adrien said. No their not my designs they are Marinette's design. Alya said. Looks like you have a shot on winning and Kleo I'm hoping to see your designs as well. Adrien said. Bye guys I have to go somewhere. I said. Bye Kleo. They all said. I ran faster than anything before to my secret hide out and I came up with a design. Feathers but not just feathers it has to have something to go with it. I mumbled. A button holding it together. I said. Shy I have my design. I said. Good good. Shy said. Let's go get the materials. I said and ran off and got the supplies and quickly made the hat. Do you think it's fashionable? I asked. It really is. Shy said. Okay I hope so. I said. I turned on the tv and I saw there was an attack going on. Mr Pidgeon? I asked. Okay let's go to the bushes. Shy feathers on. I said and transformed to Grey Swan. I found Ladybug and. Cat Noir on a building. I flew to the roof and saw the sworn of pigeons. This is strange. I told them. It is GS. Cat Noir said. GS? I asked. Yeah it stands for Grey Swan. He said. Okay well we have a job to do. I said. I'm allergic to feathers. He said. That's helpful. Ladybug and I said in unison. Yeah I know. He said. The park keepers in Paris are vanishing without a trace. He added. We have to track Mr Pigeon down asap. Ladybug said. How are we going to find him? I asked. I don't know where to find him but I do know where he can find us. Ladybug said. We put a police hat on Cat Noir and we went to the park. Make it believable and act natural. I told him. I am acting natural. He said. You are acting like a goof. I told him. Where is he? I asked. He should of been here. Ladybug said. I saw a swarm of pigeons attack Cat Noir. Ladybug and I ran to Cat Noir and we found him on top of a rooftop with Mr Pigeon. Call me crazy but I feel like bird seed all of a sudden. Ladybug said. As a swarm of pigeons were surrounding us and a caged went over us. We're captured?! I yelled. Give me your miraculous. He said. Never! I yelled. Cat Noir the bars! I yelled. Cat Noir broke down the bars and we walked out spinning our weapons. Mr Pigeon jumped off the roof and flew on pigeons. He's crazy! I yelled as we ran and stopped the pigeons from hurting us. I got to get out of here before my secret identity is revealed. Cat Noir said. You have to. I said and we continue running. I saw my dad run towards us. Let's hope he doesn't recognize me. I thought. Ladybug Grey Swan and Cat Noir I'm in big trouble I'll lose big bucks if my customers leave Paris. He said. I saw Cat Noir look really jumpy. Okay we will help you and all of Paris but Cat Noir needs to use the restroom. I said. Okay head to the royal suit or would you prefer a litter box? He asked. No but I need Camembert . He said. Dad looked at him weirdly and then looked at us after the elevator went up. We can get a better view in this room. I said. We watched the pigeons closely. The pigeons are flying in the same direction. I said. We should follow them. I added. Ready when you two are. Cat Noir said. Okay let's go. I said and we followed the pigeons. This is where they are keeping the prisoners. I said. Achoo! Cat Noir sneezed. Pigeons left the prisoners unattended. I said. That's to easy. I added. It is. Ladybug said. We went to the roof. Open the window and I'll pull him and we can get the collar away from him. Ladybug said. Cat Noir opened the window but sneezed and when away the element of surprise. So much for the element of surprise. I sighed and we jumped down. Come at me. Mr Pigeon said and he launched pigeons on us which caused Cat Noir to fall. Cat Noir! I yelled. Ladybug! I yelled after she fell. Save us! The prisoners yelled. I launched an arrow at him and ran back to them. Lucky charm! Ladybug yelled. In her hand there was a coin. How is a coin going to help? I asked and kept launching arrows at him. He threw pigeons and Ladybug ran and threw a bag to Cat Noir and he broke it. I grabbed the necklace. Graceful feather! I yelled and broke the necklace releasing the evil butterfly where Ladybug healed it. Miraculous ladybug! Ladybug yelled. Everything returned to normal. I was at the talent show with my hat getting judged. I was there with my derby hat and I saw Marinette and Chloé design being the same. I saw him judge mine. Miss Kleo you are the winner Adrien shall wear your hat. His father announced. Congratulations Kleo. Adrien said. He put it on and sneezed. Sorry I'm allergic to feathers. He said. Then something kicked in is Adrien Cat Noir! I thought.

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