Annabeth rubbed her forehead. That night would haunt her for quite a while. She stepped outside her cabin to enjoy the warm sunshine.

Her moment of peace was short-lived, however, as Solangelo raced up to her, with panicked expressions.

"Annabeth--" Will panted.

"--You've got to help us!" Nico said, breathlessly.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"--We need to hide-- help--" Nico wheezed.

Annabeth opened the door to Cabin 6, and hurriedly ushered them inside.

"Now, what's wrong?" Annabeth demanded, as soon as the couple had dashed inside the cabin.

"--Thor-- is a crazy piece of work!" Nico shouted, still wheezing.

Thunder rumbled, and Cabin 6's door banged open, followed by a squeal.

Annabeth spun around, and found Thor squealing in the doorway. He had donned a new T-Shirt, crammed with signatures in Sharpie™  from the campers. He had a tote bag proudly proclaiming Solangelo Shipper.

Smirking, she peered inside the bag and saw a travel mug, throw pillow, hardcover journal, laptop, and phone, all sporting Solangelo Shipper in bold yellow words. The fangod was also wearing a baseball cap saying Solangelo Shipper.


Nico's eyes were wide in terror. "Help me." He mouthed. 

Annabeth smirked. "I don't think so, Mr. Solace. Percy and I did it, and now it's your turn." She grinned evilly.

Nico's pupils were dilated. "I have a new torture suggestion in the Fields of Punishment for Dad." Nico whimpered.

Annabeth grinned. "Fangod away, Thor. It's your party now." She added, as she slipped out of the cabin.

She closed the door and paused for a moment, just to hear an uncharacteristic shriek from Nico, and squeals from Fangod Thor.

Smirking, she traipsed off towards the dining pavilion.

A half hour later, Annabeth had spotted Nico and Will emerging from the Athena cabin, with haunted expressions. Thor followed them, and when Nico spotted the fangod, he ran for his life towards Cabin 13.

Annabeth smirked. When the god had finally given up, he raced over to the dining pavilion, towards Leo and Calypso, who were sitting at the Hephaestus table.

Once again, all of Thor's clothes and items changed to say Caleo Shipper.

"AHHHHH!" Thor screamed, startling the other Hephaestus campers.

Thor was oblivious to the others' reactions, as he bounced up and down and piled merchandise onto the couple. "PLEASESIGNMYMERCH!!" He screamed.

Calypso was confused, but she started signing the merchandise, nevertheless. Leo, on the other hand, was milking this for all it was worth.

"I TOLD YOU DA LADIES LUV LEO!" He screamed triumphantly, pointing a finger at everyone in the pavilion.

Everyone except Thor groaned in unison.

Leo bounced on his toes. "I DEMAND YOU CALL ME KING MCSHIZZLE, OR BAD BOY SUPREME!" He said haughtily.


"Dude!" An Apollo kid shouted several tables over. He pointed his fork at the fangod. "Did you just hashtag out loud?"

Austin gave his sibling a pained look and pointed at him. "What he said."

"SMH, IDK, LOL." Thor winked and bounced his shoulders.

"Have we ever done a blood test? I swear you were switched at birth." Loki said, appearing out of nowhere, causing a total uproar.

"THE HECK HAPPENED HERE?!" Percy shouted from the Poseidon table.

Thor arched an eyebrow. "Really? You think someone put an enchantment on one of us so we look different? Some Bettina-is-Hope action?"

"Actually, I did do a blood test." Frigg said, bursting into the chatroom and breaking the fandom. "On our whole family. Both sides. I was convinced I was in the wrong place."

"How upset were you when you discovered you were in the right place?" Mallory shouted from where she was sitting with Magnus and Halfborn. 

"Don't. Halfborn held a palm up. Don't make her answer that question."

Mallory grinned. "Just plead the fifth like I did, mum."

"Okay that's it." Annabeth said, finally overcoming her shock. She started to piece the fandom back together. "Frigg, I thought you're supposed to be dead."

Frigg shrugged. "One aspect of myself, yes." She sighed. "Oh well, I'd best be going." She disappeared in a flurry of golden sparkles.

Annabeth turned to Loki. "Aren't you supposed to be dead too?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Please. My current aspect's "death" was really my illusion's death. I used my left hand to attack, and only my illusion is left-handed. Also, the 2012 version of me escaped, since I got a hold of the Tesseract. So no, I'm not supposed to be dead. Also, I was Noobmaster69." He said, whilst grinning evilly at Thor.

"HASHTAG LOKI IS NOOBMASTER69!" A random camper shouted.

Annabeth slapped her forehead. "So much for trying to fix the fandom." She muttered.

Percy's mouth was wide open for about thirty seconds, before he remembered to close it. "Honey, we broke the fandom."

Annabeth Chase and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now