Sea World [A short story]

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Yep, one of the short stories I promised you! If you have any concept ideas, go ahead and let me know in the comments! If I like your idea, I'll tag you on the story and shower you with the credit you deserve!

Please don't kill me I know it's been forever but my parents banned me from Wattpad in an attempt to cure the disease known as "Fangirl".


(I had much better ideas but it's been so long I forgot them. Gonna work on getting them back, I promise!😘)



It had been two weeks since Annabeth had killed Thanos.

Two weeks since we realized we'd failed.

I was busy in my lab, working on my latest project, when I looked through the glass panels and saw Annabeth waiting.

I walked out of my lab, and shot her a questioning look. Annabeth sighed exasperated. "You forgot, didn't you."

I tried to hide my terror as I saw my niece's annoyed look. "Forgot what?"

"You promised you'd take us to SeaWorld. Remember, you promised to if Percy promised he wouldn't retaliate against that bucket of water you rigged to dump on his head last week?" She deadpanned.

My eyes widened. I'd totally forgotten about that. "No, of course I didn't forget! I was just.. erm.. testing you!" I tried to play it off with a nervous laugh.

Annabeth rolled her eyes dramatically. "Sureee.." She dragged out the e.

"I'll be right down. I promise."

Sighing, Annabeth spun around, her blonde hair flying like a hurricane as she headed downstairs.


Crap crap crap crap. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. get my emergency vacation bag."

"Will do, Mr. Stark."

A large duffel bag appeared out of the secret vent, and I snatched it up and flew down the stairs.

I met Percy, Annabeth, Natasha, and Steve at the base of the stairs. "See? I was totally ready."

Annabeth snorted, but didn't say a word as we boarded the Quinjet.



I didn't believe for a moment that Tony actually remembered.

Which was why I told Percy to set our plan into motion as soon as we landed in Orlando.

Once we were settled in the presidential suite at the freaking Ritz Carlton, it was time for Stage One of our revenge... The petty pranks.

I had snagged a few packets of hot sauce when we had passed by the restaurant downstairs, and I motioned for Percy to distract Tony.

As the two chattered away, I popped open the lid of Tony's water bottle, and waited for Percy to discreetly lift all the water out.

I quickly dumped the packets of hot sauce in his bottle and closed the lid. I pulled the rubber band out of my hair and tied it around the spray nozzle for the sink. I discarded of the evidence, and grinned as I waited for the magic to happen.

Sure enough, not five minutes later, Tony reached for his water bottle, and I watched with barely masked glee as he took a sip.... And his face flushed beet red.

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