Chapter Thirty Four

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Thousands of shinobi stood in a single file line, all waiting to receive their new headband. The shinobi in front of Hoshino took his and that left Hoshino to take his own. He stared at the metal plate and shook his head in disbelief.

I still can't believe this is happening...

This is it. The war finally begins. This is what he spent the last few months anticipating. Hoshino inhaled and exhaled before he got his assignment.

Team commander? Hoshino wasn't exactly sure if he was ready for such a position, but he was as sure as hell gonna give it his best. He smiled to himself as he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Shikamaru, Choji, I'm so glad we're in the same group." He greeted his fellow Konoha ninja.

"I'm glad to see you too." Shikamaru agreed.

"This isn't the time to be chatting up. This is war. But I'm glad to have friends who'll have my back." Temari said.

The five captains of the section stepped up, towering over the gathering crowd of shinobi. Hoshino looked up at them. They are Kakashi, Gaara, Mifu, Darui, and another ninja Hoshino didn't recognize.

"Looks like Gaara's our Captain." He said thoughtfully.

"You're also our second in command, so don't mess up." Temari teased.

Hoshino froze for a moment, the realization hitting him that he actually had a lot of responsibility in this team. "I'll try not to, Temari-san." He chuckled.

"What a drag." Shikamaru complained.

"Tell me about it," Samuel sighed.

Hoshino smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, Hoshi. You'll do great. I trust you with my life." Choji comforted him.

"If Hoshino fails you, I'll protect you." Temari assured her brother, who scoffed.

"Bold if you to assume that I'll need-"

A sudden shout interrupted them. "I'll never fight with you! Iwa killed my father!"

"Kiri betrayed us last time! I don't trust you!"

"Konoha are just a bunch of murderers!"

"Die Kumo!"

"Go to hell Suna!"

Behind Hoshino, a girl from Suna and a girl from Kumo pulled out their kunai. They're aren't the only ones. People left and right are fighting each other, the tension between them finally boiling over. Hoshino's section isn't the only one. He can feel hundreds of angry people are about to go at it.

"Hey!" Hoshino yelled, spotting a girl trying to stab another one of his squad mates. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What's going on!?" Choji asked. Hoshino sighed. He had hoped this wouldn't happen, but it looked like that was a foolish wish.

"We've been enemies with the other nations for a long time. The war was sudden, and now they're being asked to put aside their differences just like that without any warning. Their feelings towards each other are getting the best of them. It was bound to happen." Hoshino answered grimly.

A cloud of sand materialized from nowhere and pushed the two girls away from each other. Everyone looked up to see Gaara was the one to separate them, his eyes sharp and his mouth set in a straight line.

"Gaara?" Hoshino asked.

"From the First Great Ninja War to the last. I, too, was once full of hatred and power." Gaara began slowly, closing his eyes. "I was a jinchuriki. I hated this world and the people in it. However, two certain shinobi from Konoha stopped me!"

Hoshino stared at him, eyes blown wide. He's putting all this on the line...

"They shed tears for me, even though I was their enemy! We may have been enemies, but he was also a jinchuriki. He didn't care about the monster inside me. They both wanted to be my friend because they saw the good in me when everyone else had given up on me. The moment we take a second to understand each other's pain, our malice disappears! There are no enemies here! Suna, Iwa, Konoha. We are now only... shinobi! If you take these words to heart, but still can't forgive Suna, then I will give you my head! But I ask that you listen now. Our enemy is after those very friends who saved me! If they capture him, it will mean the end of this world. The other one, will be prisoner for the rest of his life! I want to protect them! I need all of you to give me your strength!" Gaara pleaded.

"We will, Gaara!" They cheered.

"We're with you, Gaara!"

"I will give it my all!"

The whole crowd began to applaud for his speech. Many of them are cheering. It was absolutely deafening and it was all for Gaara.

Hoshino wiped a tear from his eyes, emotion clawing at his throat. He had no idea how much Naruto inspired Gaara.

All of the Shinobi that fought with each other, one second ready to rip each to pieces, are now shaking hands and burying the hatchet. Just like that. It was nothing short of a miracle.

"That's Gaara for you." Hoshino whispered, smiling.

"He's so cool."

The Sand kunoichi were nothing short of gushing at him. Hoshino narrowed his eyes at their behavior. Honestly, what kind of ninja expresses such feelings towards someone of such high standing openly?

"Gaara was talking about me." A Suna girl said with a dreamy expression.

"Noooo. He was clearly talking about me?" Another girl yelled.

Hoshino rolled his eyes and smiled. Thank you for protecting me, everyone. Now it's my turn to protect you.

The five captains jumped down and landed in front of their units. Hoshino smiled when he saw Gaara approach.

"Lord Kazekage," he bowed.

"Captain Mizu-Uzumaki," Gaara greeted, a smile playing on his lips. "What a title. It suits you."

"Hardly." Hoshino replied, unable to hide a smile. It was just like old times. Here they were, exchanging their usual banter as though nothing had changed. As though nothing was at stake.

"Are you ready?" Gaara asked the inevitable question.

"Are any of us?" Hoshino raised an eyebrow.

"Are you scared?" It was a genuine question, Hoshino realized.

"That I'll fail to protect you and everyone on this team? Yes. I don't fear for my own life, my lord." He answered calmly.

Gaara paused for a moment, staring at him before he said, "I've got your back, Hoshino. Always."

Warmth blossomed in Hoshino's chest at those words. "And I for you."

"As long as you are by my side, I feel as though I have nothing to fear."

"Then..." Hoshino smiled at him. "I'll be beside you every step of the way."

Gaara nodded at him took the lead and began running. Hoshino took that as his cue and followed, his heart pounding in his chest as his team dashed after him.

Everyone began to follow their captains. A whole crowd of ninja was now splitting up into five, each one of them ready to carry out their duty, Gaara's words spurring the fire in their chest.

This is it. Hoshino thought grimly.

The war has officially begun.

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