Chapter Eleven

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This was it.

Hoshino, Sakura, Naruto and Sai waited for the signal while watching Yamato, who was disguised as Sasori, approach the spy. Hoshino couldn't hear the exchange between them, but as far as he could tell, Yamato had yet to be discovered.

Then, Orochimaru's spy suddenly reached up and removed his hood, revealing his identity to Yamato. Hoshino's eyes flew wide with shock.

Kabuto! I knew it! I just knew it! Hoshino yelled in his head. I knew there was something off about that guy!

"Him again?!" Naruto demanded in a hushed voice, his face showing his surprise and mild horror.

"That little..." Hoshino muttered between grit teeth, reaching for his bo, and stood still.

"I never thought that Kabuto would be the Akatsuki spy!" Sakura said.

"Hence, why he's a spy. You're not supposed to see them coming." Hoshino responded, getting a bit irritated with Sakura's obliviousness. "That's the whole point."

"The wind is too strong! I can't hear anything!" Naruto complained from beside him, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"That's how we were able to get this close without being seen." Hoshino explained to him patiently.

They all tensed up, waiting for the signal, but it didn't come. Hoshino narrowed his eyes, wondering what the hold up was, since he had expected it to come already. He soon got his answer, because another figure joined the two, making his heart nearly stop.

It was Orochimaru.

"O-Orochimaru?!" Naruto tried to yell before Hoshino covered his mouth with his hand swiftly, muffling the noise.

"This is bad..." Hoshino stated quietly, not letting go of Naruto.

Things went from bad to worse pretty quickly, because Kabuto suddenly ran head long at Yamato, catching him off guard. Before he could react, Kabuto had shattered the disguise, revealing Yamato's true form to them. Seeing no other option, Yamato made the signal.

"Go, go, go!" Hoshino said, leaping into view and landing lightly in front of Yamato. With a loud shout, he slammed his hands into the ground and created a large protective dome that shielded him and the captain from Orochimaru's attacks.

"You again!" Kabuto sneered at him.

"Me again." Hoshino responded, glaring at the white haired man. "Looks like I was right about you."

"GIVE SASUKE BACK!" Naruto's enraged scream suddenly met Hoshino's ears, and the dark chakra made its presence known once again to Hoshino's senses.

"I think it's time to get this fact through your head, Naruto. Sasuke came to us of his own free will. Nobody forced him to do anything." Kabuto smirked at the blond triumphantly from where he stood facing Hoshino.

"If you want us to tell you about my dear Sasuke-Kun, why don't you try and force it out of us?" Orochimaru challenged.

"Don't talk about him like he's an object!" Hoshino shouted angrily, meeting the snake summoner's eyes, who smirked back at him.

Hoshino had to work to keep the knowing smirk off his face. Until then, I'll have to be satisfied with just wiping that stupid smirk off of that betrayer's face!

Something streaked past him, and before he could blink, Orochimaru was sent flying back into the trees. Hoshino gasped. That's... Naruto? Or something else?

"Naruto's sure come a long way. What about you, Hoshino? Have you improved at all?" Kabuto smirked, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Hoshino glared in response and his fists glowed a sapphire blue. "Why don't you come and find out?" He replied, getting into a battle stance.

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