Chapter Eight

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Hoshino returned to Gaara's body, picking up his limp, cold hand in his own, searching desperately for a pulse even though he knew that there was none. Gaara's spirit was gone. He placed his hand by his side and lay with him, feeling his body cool, tears soaking into his tunic. He felt Naruto take his hand in an attempt to comfort him and himself.

"Why is it always Gaara?" Naruto asked, anger and sadness in his tone. "He didn't become Kazekage just to die like this!"

"Naruto, please calm down and try to relax." Chiyo spoke up quietly.

Almost instantly, Naruto rounded on her. "Just shut up! It was you who sealed the monster inside him anyway! It was the Shinobi of Suna that killed him! If you hadn't done this, Gaara would still be alive! Did you ever ask him how he felt?! Did you care about him?" Tears were streaming down the blond's face now as he shouted at her. Hoshino hugged him from behind, trying to calm him down. "I couldn't save Sasuke... and now... I couldn't save Gaara."

Chiyo surveyed the mourning ninja for a moment, before sighing. She stood up and limped her way over to Gaara's body, gesturing for Hoshino to move over. Hoshino shifted to make room for her. She looked at him for a moment, and placed her hands on the redhead's chest. Her palms glowed blue.

Hoshino gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. That jutsu... He shuddered as he felt her life force begin to fade away. The cold presence of death made its way back into the air.

"What is she doing?" Naruto asked, seeing Hoshino's shudder and sad look. "What's happening?"

"She's... she's bringing Gaara back. A life for a life." Hoshino answered softly.

"Is that-?" Gai inquired in awe, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Yeah, it is." Kakashi confirmed, clearly shaken as well. "The forbidden jutsu."

The blue glow flickered back and forth, and Chiyo winced, as if in pain. "Not enough... chakra..." she murmured.

"Use my chakra. Chiyo-baasama." Naruto suddenly offered, stepping forward.

"And mine as well." Haku spoke up before Hoshino could say anything. "You used too much, Hoshino. Let me do this. I want to help."

Hoshino caught the serious and sad look in Haku's eyes, and he nodded, getting closer to watch as Haku and Naruto placed their hands on top of Chiyo's, channeling their chakra into her and giving her the strength to complete the jutsu.

Sunagakure was covered by confetti and smoke, signaling that the ceremony was complete, and Gaara was officially Kazekage of the village. Hoshino stood behind him with his siblings, Shikamaru, and other officials of the Suna. Gaara looked down at the villagers, and Hoshino caught sight of the smile that appeared on his face.

"Thank you all for accepting me as your new Kazekage. I swear to you, I'll improve this village financially and strengthen our bonds with other villages, such as Konoha and make us stronger through these bonds. Yes, we do have a long way to go in order to put our past behind us. But we must move on for the sake of our future generations. So, I promise you all, as your Kazekage, I'll lead the way and protect each and every one of you with my life!"

The speech boomed over the crowd, strident timbre of the voice and a cacophony of applause and cheering, whooping, hollering, clapping, stamping of feet, palpable excitement buzzed through the charged air. Everyone wore infectious grins. Strangers were shaking hands, patting one another on the back, and spontaneous outpouring of emotion radiated from every villager and shinobi.

Even Shikamaru was clapping enthusiastically, much to Hoshino's surprise. He didn't think the Nara would be so moved by Gaara's speech, but he couldn't blame him, for he too was clapping loudly and cheered for the redhead. Pride soared in his heart as Gaara stepped down from the podium.

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