Chapter Four

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Sakura mixed together all of the ingredients, then turned to the specialists.

"Hold him down, please." Hoshino requested. "This is a very... delicate operation." He looked at Sakura, "Do you want me to...?"

"Your hands are more agile than mine, and you have a softer touch." She answered, handing him the solution. "You should do this part."

"Understood." The specialists obeyed Hoshino's request.

He took the mix, and with the medics holding the puppet user down, started to extract the poison from his heart. He was successful the first time, so he did it multiple times while everyone else waited on the other side of the room.

The procedure took multiple hours, and Hoshino could feel himself start to get tired, but he persisted. Akane had him do this multiple times with poisoned animals they found. He knew this operation, but doing it on a person, and one that he actually knew was a lot more stressful.

Hoshino was a person of uncommon gifts. Sakura mused.

He was like a bird in flight, making something so impossible for others appear easy and natural. On the ward he calmed patients deemed "difficult" by others. Once glance at his ebony skin against his Medical Corps white uniform and their respirations eased to a more relaxed rhythm.

He never hurt them, never became impatient or belittled their pains, physical or otherwise. He spoke to them like they were still people, people who mattered, not just withered old bones too stubborn to die any faster. When his gaze fell on them it had the warmth of a son's eyes and his voice was deep yet honeyed.

She knew that she would never have that kind of patience. She was willing to let Hoshino take it from here. He was more experienced than she was; he was a battlefield medic when the situation required it. She remembered the time where he had operated on a shinobi in the middle of a battle during one of their missions.

He was better when it came to wounds and surgery, but Sakura had the memory for medicines. Haku, on the other hand, had both.

Sakura wasn't threatened by either of them when it came to this field. They had combat skills that she could never have, but her place was with the Medical Corps. If they came in and out, it didn't affect her.

"His life should no longer be in danger." Hoshino spoke finally, as the sun peaked in the sky. "I directly extracted the toxin."

Everyone sighed in relief, and they made their way back into the room.

"However, we cannot rest yet." He continued seriously, causing them to stop in their tracks. "Sakura will now concoct an antidote for traces of the toxin still in his body."

"Got it." A specialist spoke up. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Hoshino stood up and nodded encouragingly at Sakura, prompting her to take the lead now, which she did. "I need a list of the medical herbs that can be found in this village, something like that..." she requested.

"Got it." One of them walked out to get what she asked for.

"You'll have to replace all of his bandages." Hoshino added. One of them got on it immediately.

"Prepare an IV drip..."

"Please set aside a small amount of the extracted toxin. We'll need it later."

"Be careful with it."

"Say..." The elder woman that had attacked Kakashi pointed at Sakura. "You're just like that Slug Girl. To think that a girl just like you would come here..."

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