Chapter Seventeen

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The news of Asuma's death spread through the village like wildfire. Hoshino and Haku had been comforting Ino and Choji once they heard the news, but had yet to find Shikamaru. The funeral date was approaching, and Hoshino wanted to find him before then.

"Where's Shikamaru?" Naruto asked one day.

"I haven't seen him around at all since we returned. I went by his house, but his mother said that he had gone out." Ino responded with a concerned frown.

"Everyone grieves loss differently. Just give him some space." Hoshino spoke up quietly, staring at the flowers he held in his hands, watching as the light breeze ruffled their petals.

"Hoshino, I think you're the only one that can get through to him right now." Ino said.

Hoshino blinked, processing what she had said before replying, ""Me? What makes you think that?"

"I agree with her." Haku piped up from next to Choji. "If I were in a period of grief, I would want no other person by my side to comfort and support me."

Hoshino frowned briefly before nodding, a determined gleam shining in his ice blue eyes. "Alright. I'll do it. Wish me luck!"

Hoshino knocked on the door of Shikamaru's house, tapping his foot on the stone stoop of the porch while he waited for someone to answer the knock.

Anxiety welled up within him the longer he waited.

What if Shikamaru wants nothing to do with me? What if he ignores me and makes me leave? No, Mizu, you can't think like that! Go in there with your head held high!

Just then, the door swung open, revealing a young woman bearing similar features to Shikamaru. She smiled at him warmly, making Hoshino feel at home even though he hadn't stepped into the house yet. She bore an aura of friendliness and warmth that made him feel accepted and cared for.

"Good evening, Nara-San." He bowed respectfully at her. "Is Shikamaru home, by any chance?"

"Yes, he is. He's been locked up in the house and moping around for a long time now, ignoring both me and his father when we try to get him to come outside. This isn't good for him and we're getting a bit worried. Please, come on in."

She welcomed Hoshino inside the house and led you to the back porch. There, Hoshino's eyes landed on the slumped form of Shikamaru, who was laying down with a cigarette in his hand.

"Shikamaru! Your boyfriend is here to see you!" His mother announced, causing him to look up.

"Boyfriend? I don't have a-- Hoshino!" Shikamaru jumped from his slouched position and back to his feet hurriedly.

Hoshino laughed softly at his actions, not noticing Shikamaru's mother head back inside the house, leaving the two ninja alone and to themselves.

In a sudden move of confidence, Hoshino laid down on his back and looked at the night sky, ignoring Shikamaru's surprised look.

"What are you doing?" He asked finally.


"I can see that. I meant, what are you doing in my house?"

"Well, what do you think I'm doing here?" Hoshino responded, not even bothering to look at him.

"I don't have the time or patience for any of your riddles today, Mizu. I'm getting tired. You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen. Okaa-san won't mind."

Shikamaru went to leave when Hoshino's hand shot out and grabbed his ankle, causing him to gasp and look down at the Ice Style user. Hoshino gave him a pleading look, and Shikamaru looked away, flustered.

"C'mon, Shikamaru! Will you please stargaze with me? For old times' sake?"

Shikamaru let out a dragged out sigh before he laid down next to Hoshino. His hand reached into his pocket for another cigarette, but then seemed to think better of it and his hand left his pocket, returning empty.

"The sky is beautiful tonight. I had forgotten how beautiful it can be." He remarked after a moment's silence.

"That's fine. The sky isn't going anywhere." Hoshino replied. He thought for a moment before speaking again, a wistful smile adorning his face. "I like to think... that those we have lost are living a new life in the stars, watching over us and keeping us safe."

Shikamaru looked at him. "You think that Asuma-Sensei is..."

Hoshino laughed lightly. "I think so. He's watching us, Shikamaru. I can feel his presence still. I know that one day, you'll tell his daughter what he died for, and she'll be proud of him. As I am. As you should be."

"How do you know it's a girl?"

Hoshino tapped his temple to emphasize his point. "I'm a sensory type. The chakra signature shows all the signs of female gender."

"I wish I was a sensory type. I could have prevented his death." Shikamaru said wistfully.

"You don't know that. Stop beating yourself up. Beating yourself up won't bring Asuma-San back." Hoshino said gently. "You'll get your revenge."

"I know I will. I already have a plan to beat them. Team Ten will be leaving tonight."

Hoshino pondered his words before speaking his request, surprising both Shikamaru and himself, "Let me come with you."

"Hoshino, no. I can't let you fight these immortals for something you aren't involved in."

Hoshino refused to give up. His blue eyes gleamed determinedly as he met Shikamaru's brown ones unwaveringly. "Shikamaru, please. Let me do this for you. I want to go with you. Nothing you say will make me change my mind."

Shikamaru just stared at him with an unreadable expression, his eyes blank for a moment before he sighed. "What a drag... fine. You can come. Just promise me that you won't die."

"You underestimate me." Hoshino teased with a smile before nodding firmly. "I'm not gonna die. I'm not dying until I've accomplished my goal."

"Goal?" Shikamaru looked at him, curious and eager to know what could be motivating Hoshino so much so that he refused to die until he achieved it. "What's that?"

Hoshino smiled his mysterious smile, the one that lured you in without you realizing it, made you hang onto his every word in hopes he would reveal something to you in his own cryptic way. That's who Hoshino was. You had to look for double meanings in his words. He knew things most didn't, that both annoyed and intrigued Shikamaru greatly.

"Don't worry, Shika. You'll find out soon enough."

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