Chapter Thirteen

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Hoshino jerked upright, panicked, but his wrists refused to move. Something sharp and cold dug into his skin.

He looked down and saw there were handcuffs holding his hands together behind his back.

He grit his teeth. "Well, that's just wonderful." He murmured sarcastically.

It was when the door opened and slammed shut, making the boy jump a little with the only slack he had.

A tall man wearing the purple rope that Orochimaru's followers wore stepped into the room.

"I am here to interrogate you. You will obey and cooperate unless you want a painful death. Do you understand?" He barked.

Hoshino nodded slowly.

"What is your name," The man said crankily seating himself into the chair opposite to him. Hoshino stayed silent. "TELL ME!" He demanded sternly.

Hoshino sighed. "I don't feel like explaining myself, really. Especially since you won't remember any of this."

"What do you-"

The interrogator didn't have time to finish because Hoshino backflipped out of the chair, tucking his wrists under him midair, allowing him to regain use of his hands.

The man was too shocked to do anything except stumble back in shock and horror. "Y-you're-! Oh, god, they didn't say-"

Hoshino smiled brightly. "Good night." His expression turned dark before his knee came up, digging into the man's gut while he chopped the back of his neck with his hand.

He bent down, leaning over the unconscious body. "Too slow." He murmured, searching him for any keys. If he was in Orochimaru's hideout, he might as well look for Sasuke.

He groaned in frustration when he found none. This guy must have been a rookie; and his first assignment must have been to interrogate Hoshino.

Hoshino sighed, straightening up. "I guess I'll have to do it my way, then."

The tunnel curled away coldly into infinite dark, the light that showed the rough walls dwindling as it snaked away. His skin shuddered and Hoshino could feel his brain starting to defocus, searching for a way out... he should go backwards...up there, to the forest where the paths run in every direction...

He shook his head. He was a ninja. He could do this; he had done much harder.

Hoshino looked around, reaching out with his senses for any chakra signatures near him. He found none. Then, he concentrated on Sasuke's.

At least, what he could remember of it.

Once he located Sasuke's chakra, his journey brought him down many corridors until he reached one door.

Just one problem: someone was guarding said door.

Hoshino bit back a growl. He had come all this way, traveled all this way to find his friend. No way was this guard, whoever he was, going to stop him now.

He crept around the corners, blending into the shadows as the guard began to yawn, probably exahausted from his long shift. His eyes closed.

Once Hoshino was right in front of him, he tapped the guard on the shoulder. "Hey, wake up!" He whispered.

Slowly, the guard's eyes began to flutter open. Once they were fully open, they instantly widened. Hoshino drew his fist back and punched the man in the gut, knocking him straight through the door that opened due to the force behind it.

Sasuke was sitting on his bed, fingers interlaced as he pondered everything.

Three years. Three long years. That was how long he had been on this mission: spying on Orochimaru and training with him. He couldn't wait until this mission was over. Then he could go home. Where his team was.

Riptide (Sequel to DwL)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant