Chapter Twenty Six

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Haku's loud sneeze echoed through the room as Hoshino placed a cold cloth on his forehead, the latter leaning back to avoid the sneeze as Haku gave him an apologetic glance. "Sorry..."

Hoshino laughed quietly, handing the other Ice Style user a tissue. "Don't worry about me, Haku. Worry about yourself for now. This is some nasty cold, huh?" He gave his friend a look of sympathy.

Haku gave a dispassionate nod in response as he lowered himself back onto the bed with some reluctance. "I hate this time of year," was all he said as a response, "sometimes, it feels like Mother Nature is out to get me."

Hoshino playfully rolled his eyes. "You're too insignificant to gain Mother Nature's wrath," he teased. "Not with so many other people on this earth."

Haku gave him a pretend look of offense before his body was racked by another harsh bout of coughing. Hoshino felt awful watching his friend like this. Haku was the powerful, skilled shinobi that gained a fearsome reputation in the Bingo Book when he was sixteen. To see him so weak and powerless didn't seem right.

"I'm so sorry you got sick, Haku." He said, hanging his head. "We never should have gone on that mission in the first place, but I dragged you along anyways. Me and my hot headed ness."

"You're not hot headed." Haku pushed himself up on his elbows. "And don't apologize... the mission was worth being sick. Plus, we succeeded, right?" He gave Hoshino a kind smile. "Don't beat yourself up."

Hoshino couldn't help but grin. Haku was honestly one of the best friends he could possibly ask for. Haku continued to smile, a small blush rising up his face. An effect from the fever, Hoshino assumed.

Suddenly, their moment of peace was interrupted by an urgent sounding series of knocks on the front door of the house of Hoshino's family.

"It's open!" Hoshino called politely, prompting whoever was on the opposite end of the screen door to slide it open. Hoshino blinked in surprise before smiling. "Hello, Sasuke! What's up?"

Sasuke didn't offer a smile back, though, not even a half smile or a nod, like he usually did. Instead, his expression was grim and serious, more so than usual as he stepped towards Hoshino, causing the bluenette to worry a little bit.

"Hoshino, you and I need to go get Naruto. Tsunade-Sama has summoned us and Kakashi-Sensei to her office." Sasuke's voice is just as grim as his face.

Hoshino frowned. "Does she need more paperwork about Haku's and my assignment? I turned in the paperwork last night and answered all her question-"

Sasuke only shook his head, cutting Hoshino off. "It's not that. Just... just come with me, please?"

Hoshino could tell that something was wrong just by looking at the Uchiha. His onyx eyes were gleaming with a light Hoshino couldn't identify, which worried him. Stress and panic rose up inside of him, but he managed to tamper it briefly as he turned to Haku. "Will you be okay on your own for a while?" He inquired.

Haku nodded in confirmation. "Don't worry about me. This sounds important. I'll be fine."

Hoshino offered him an apologetic smile before following Sasuke out the door. They jumped amongst the rooftops, searching for Naruto's apartment complex. Hoshino couldn't help but feel appreciative of the cold afternoon air blowing in his face. It took his mind off of what could possibly be going on.

His crystal blue eyes drifted towards one building that towered above the rest and narrowed. His sharp vision caught sight of a familiar figure sprawled out on his bed, peacefully snoring without a care in the world, his bright blond hair peeking out from underneath a sleeping cap.

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