The Medic (8)

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(I have an original character in this chapter and above is actually a picture of him, so if my description of him isn't enough, there you go. :) Any way thanks William for letting me use you and for the interrogation I gave you, so I could get the description right.)

Normal POV

A few minutes after Azazul left, the door opened once again. In walked a man. He was about 5ft 8ins, in his early 20's. His skin color showed that he was half Puerto Rican and half Italian. He had brown eyes and black hair in a well kept buzz cut. He wore light military camo pants, tan military grade boots, a tan military t-shirt, and in one hand he carried a medical kit.

Ace quickly got up and was ready to attack the man when Dick put his hand on his collar, "Ace."

Ace growled at the man, but reluctantly sat back down next to Dick. The man walked up to Dick and knelt down in front of him just as Azazul did, but there was something different about him. He was...friendlier.

"Hi, my names William. I know you're probably really scared right now, but I'm not going to hurt you okay? I want to help." Dick held Ace tighter and looked at the man skeptically before nodding his head.

William smiled, "Good. Can I see your wounds?"

Once again he nodded. He let go of Ace and showed him his blood covered wrists. William sighed and opened his medical kit. He opened a cleaning wipe and gently took Dicks wrist in his hand.

"This is going to hurt a little," William said and started to softly clean the cuts on his right wrist.

"Ahh!" Dick screamed in surprise as the alcohol from the wipe touched his cuts. Ace growled at him and looked like he was going to attack, but didn't because Dick told him not to.

"I know it hurts, but I have to clean it. I'm almost done with this hand." he finished cleaning the wound and he took out a roll of white gauze. He wrapped Dick's gently then did the same thing he to his left wrist as he did with his right one. Dick simply whimpered when William cleaned his other hand.

William was soon finished and he closed his med kit and looked at Richard, "There that wasn't so bad, was it? And don't worry. You'll be out of here and back with your dad before you know it." He gave a soft smile and stood. He walked towards the door, but two arms wrapping around his torso stopped him in his tracks.

He looked down to see Dick looking up at him, "Thank you."

William smiled and hugged the 6 year old back. "Your welcome." With that he walked out the door, happy that he had comforted the small child in some way.

(Okay sorry it took me awhile to update. I would say I had a good reason, but honestly I just found a lot of amazing stories to read all at one time sooooo...yeah (: Next chapter, might take me awhile I'm gonna try and make it a long one because I've been doing really short chapters lately so please bare with me) OH! And happy 2015!!! :)

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