Explanation (7)

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Normal POV

Dick was sitting in the same corner he had been sitting in for the last 30 minutes. He was trying to ignore the pain in his wrists and his own struggled breathing through the duct tape, but wasn't doing a very good job.

Suddenly he heard a clicking sound coming from the metal door and he knew that it was the locks being opened. He instinctively tensed up even more than he already was (if that was possible). The door opened and a tall man with dark brown hair walked in.

He walked towards Dick, ignoring the clear fear in his face, and knelt down to his level.

"Hello Richard. Do you remember me?" the man asked with a small smile. Dick gave a slow nod, knowing that he was the man who kidnapped him. "Good, my name is Azazel. Now I'm going to explain something to you. You see, your going to be away from daddy for awhile. Your going to stay here. If your good, you won't get hurt much. The only reason I had to use these measures,"he gestured to the bonds on Dick's wrists, "was because you tried to get away. But, I don't think you'll try something like that again, will you?"

Dick shook his head, still trying to process everything. With his still neutral voice, Azazel continued to speak, "Okay, onto another matter than...your dog." At this Dick's eyes widened and he waited for the for him to continue. "If you keep him under control, I'll allow him to stay in here with you. But, if he attacks any of my men, I'll put him in a kennel. Do you understand?"

Dick quickly nodded, desperately wanting to see his companion.

Azazel's smile grew, 'For a while I thought I would have to deal with another difficult child,' he thought to himself.

"Good. Now let me untie you and my men will bring in your dog."

Azazel pulled the tape off of Dick's mouth and his heavy breathing instantly started to slow down.
Dick shut his eyes tight and let out a soft whimper as the zip ties were cut from his hurt wrists. He slowly pulled his arms from behind his back and stated wide eyed at the sight of his bleeding wrists.

Dick was pulled from his trance when he heard a bark. He looked up and saw Ace being held back by two men. They let him go and Ace ran up to his master. Dick hugged him as Ace stood there content to be back with Dick, but still weary of the men in the room.

"I'll have someone look at your wounds." Azazel said as he left the room and his men followed. Once the door was locked and all the men gone, Ace relaxed and laid down, setting his head on Dick's lap. Dick continued to pet Ace, happy to have someone familiar around him.

(YAY, Ace is back. Sorry he's been our of the story for a couple chapters, but he's back now. I really wanted to publish this before Christmas ends and I have like 10 minutes left so gotta move this along. Merry christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Years, winter break, whatever you celebrate. And sorry if I left anything out (:

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