The Beginning (1)

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Normal POV

(Ok, look I know this chapter doesn't really have all that much action, but because Bruce Wayne isn't Batman and Dick's past is kind of changed, I decided to make a chapter so it would be easier to understand. You don't have to read this chapter, but I recommend it. Please don't back out of the story because it starts out slow. The second and third chapter are really fluff, but if you just want to read for the kidnapping go to chapter 4. (:Yeah that's about it thanks)

Bruce walked into Wayne Manor after a long 4 hour meeting at Wayne Enterprises. As Bruce came through the door he saw Alfred, his loyal butler and father figure, waiting for him.

"How was your meeting Master Bruce?" Alfred asked in his formal yet friendly British accent.

"Long. The vote ended up being a tie so the meeting was an entire waste." Bruce stated in his usual monotone tone of voice.

"I'm sorry to hear that, sir" Alfred said in sympathy. "Will you still be going to the circus tonight then?"

Bruce looked over at him confused as the two walked towards the kitchen for an early dinner. "Circus?" He asked as if he knew nothing of it.

Alfred gave him a serious look. "Yes sir, the circus. Haly's Circus to be exact. Your suppose to go there to see the show as their honored guest. You donated money to the circus last year when one of the performers was injured."

That's when Bruce remembered. A little over a year ago, a male trapeze artist was practicing a floor routine with his wife when he slipped and broke his wrist. The couple had a newborn son, so with the costs of the baby, medical attention, and the pay of being a circus performer there was no way the family could afford it. The circus tried to help with it but it still wasn't enough. When Bruce heard this he gave the man the best medical treatment Wayne Enterprises had to offer and donated money to the circus to keep them going until their main act could perform again.

Bruce finally realized that Alfred was still waiting for his answer and came back to reality. He gave Alfred a tired look and sighed, "Alfred it's been a long day and I'm tired. Do I have to go?"

He gave him another serious look before speaking in a calm voice, "It is your duty as owner of Wayne Enterprises to attend events that you are invited to. You have to keep up a good reputation sir."

Bruce let out a heavy sigh and admitted defeat, "Fine, what time does the performance start?"

Alfred gave a warming smile and said, "7:00 sir. Just enough time to have a nice meal and get down to the fair grounds."

Bruce gave a rare smile to Alfred and sat down at the table to eat.


John Grayson's POV

We have about 30 minutes until show time and we still don't know if Mr.Wayne will be coming. I want to thank him for doing all he did for this circus.......and my family.

I look over and see my son, Richard, and my wife, Mary, coming into the room. Dick instantly starts squirming in Mary's grasp and reaching out to me, all the while laughing and waiting for his fathers attention.

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