A Dog? (2)

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Normal POV

Bruce Wayne sat at a bench in Gotham Park watching with a smile as his son played on the playground. Dick was climbing on the monkey bars when he suddenly jumped down and started running as fast as he could towards him. Bruce noticed the scared look on Dick's face and instantly became worried.

Bruce stood up as Dick got to him only to be taken a couple of steps back by the force of Dick hitting him and engulfing him in a hug. After a few seconds Bruce pulled him back and kneeled down so they would be eye level.

"Dick, what's wrong?" Bruce asked with a worried voice.

Dick looked at him with tear filled eyes yet none spilled over, "There's a dog. A big dog over there. Its gonna hurt me Daddy!" Dick exclaimed as a single tear rolled down his cheek and he hugged his father for dear life.

Dick knew that Bruce wasn't his real father. He had told him his parents were acrobats in the circus when they were killed in an accident. He told him that he was there the night it happened and he took him in to raise him. Dick was a little sad when he found this out because he never expected to hear Bruce tell him that. He looked just like Bruce with his jet black hair and blue eyes. Really the only difference was Bruce's eyes were a dark, slightly grayish blue while Dick's eyes were the most magnificent blue you would ever see. He had been told a thousand times that his eyes were clearer than the ocean itself. But Dick didn't care that Bruce wasn't his dad. All Dick knew was that Bruce loved him. He took care of him when he was sick, he stayed with him at night if he had a nightmare, he canceled important meetings to take him to the park just because he asked. To Dick, Bruce was the meaning of father.

Bruce looked up to see a man with a German Shepherd walking along the path. He could understand how Dick would be scared of the dog; it was intimidating to most grown men. Then he saw a small girl about Dick's age run up to the man and asked to pet the it. He supposed he said yes 'cause then the child started to pet the dog while it waged its tail.

Bruce gave a small smile, which started to become much more frequent after Richard came to live with them, and pulled Dick away from him. Dick looked up at him with fear still written on his face when Bruce pointed at the dog and girl. Dick slowly turned around and looked slightly surprised when he saw the happy scene before him.

That's when Dick turned back to Bruce excited and asked him the thing he least expected the boy to ask him. "Daddy can we get a dog?"


Bruce's POV

"A dog?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but it has to be a big dog like that one," He said excited as he pointed to the dog that filled him with fear moments ago. "And it has to be black."

I didn't know what to tell him. We couldn't get a dog. Could we? Alfred would surely disapprove, especially with the type of dog Dick was wanting. Alfred already had to keep the entire manor in perfect order; I don't see how he could manage a dog as well. So I told him the only thing I could without saying outright no.

"I'll talk to Alfred okay? But I can't guarantee anything." I said, all the while hoping that Dick would accept this answer for now.

"YAY! Thank you, daddy!" Dick shouts giving me another hug and attracting a few stares in the process.

I smile and pick up my son and throw him in the air and catch him making him laugh before we walk off to start getting to the car. I start to think about the talk that I'm going to have to have with Alfred when we get to the manor.


Bruce's POV

When we get home, Dick instantly runs up to my study saying he wants to look up some information on my laptop. For a 6 year old, Dick is incredibly smart. His IQ shows that he should be in the 3rd grade when he's supposed to be in kindergarten. It still amazes me how he knows how to use the computer without any problem.

I take this opportunity to talk to Alfred about the dog issue Dick's brought up. I walk into the kitchen to find him preparing dinner. "Hi Alfred."

Alfred turned around with a small smile across his face, "Hello, Master Bruce. How was your evening with Master Dick?"

"Good." I sighed as I sat down at the table.

Alfred gave me a worried look knowing that when I spend the day with Richard I always tell him everything we did. "Is everything alright, Master Bruce?"

I look up at Alfred and gave a heavy sigh, "No. Dick asked if we could get a dog today."

Alfred seemed a little surprised by this, but then gave a look as if he knew this was coming.

"Well the young master has always taken a liking to animals. This should be no surprise to you." Alfred said with a smile on his face.

I was surprised that Alfred wasn't automatically saying no to the idea as I thought he would. "Dick also says he wants a big dog. Like a German Shepard or something."

Alfred gave me a meaningful look then walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "I think a dog would be a wonderful thing for Master Richard. Since he is home-schooled he doesn't really have anyone to play with. Plus it could teach him responsibility."

I was surprised that Alfred was actually agreeing to this, as I listened to his words I had to agree too. I gave him a smile then stood up, "Thank you."

I start making my way to my study to tell Dick the news. I can't help but think of the excitement he'll have when he hears.


Normal POV

Bruce walks into his study to find Dick still at his computer and sitting in an office chair that was way to big for him. Bruce goes over to him and stealthily sneaks behind him because he hadn't noticed him yet. He suddenly jerked Dick's shoulders making Dick let out a loud whelp. Dick quickly turned around in the chair to find his father laughing and he did a little pout and crossed his arms.

Bruce looked at the screen to see that Dick was looking up information on Great Danes. Dick noticed what Bruce was looking at and automatically got excited, "Daddy, this is the dog we have to get! Have you talked to Alfred yet?"

"Yeah." Bruce said simple trying to tease him.

"Well?!" Dick asked slightly jumping up and down with excitement.

Bruce laughs before finally giving in, "You have to take care of him okay?"

Dick suddenly lunged himself at Bruce and engulfed him in a hug yelling, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

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