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"I miss you... I miss you so much that it hurts..."

"I'm sorry..."

I woke up crying that night, just like any other night. I have that recurring memory that I always want to forget but I can never. I look outside my window and it's still dark, looking at my clock it's 3am.

There is no point on me sleeping because I will just wake up crying again with that memory. Going to the bathroom to freshen myself up with a shower. After doing so, I went to the kitchen and ate cereal for breakfast. I live alone after leaving Seoul and moving to Jeju. There were too many memories there that I can't take back...but I wouldn't want to anyways.

After cleaning up a bit in my small apartment, I went out for a morning jog. I don't do this to stay fit but a way to clear my mind. I ran and ran until I went to the pier, which was really a dirt pathway surrounded by rocks. I sat down and watched the sun rise. It was beautiful yet painful...just reminded me of my past.


"Isn't the sunrise beautiful?" I asked anyone.

"Yeah, I want to watch this everyday with you guys for as long as I live." he said and all of us smiled. "Yah y/n you better not fall asleep!" Yoongi poked my side and I jerked away, "Does it look like I'm asleep?" I poked him back.

Watching the sunrise with my best friends...I don't want this to end.


Making my way back to my apartment, I stopped by the convenience store to get some gimbap as my brunch. I ate it on the way as I looked around, nothing has changed and hopefully nothing will. Moving away was the hardest thing I've ever had to do but it was the only way for them to grow...for me not to hold them back.

Obviously since I left, they've become known around the world. And I can't help it that it's my fault I slowed down their potential in the first place. Entering my place, I took another shower and got dressed for work. I'm self employed so I make my own money through photography and videography. Just like the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words," that is what I want to convey.

Some of my best pictures were of my best friends, I never got rid of them because they were very special to me. Each picture I have with and of them, shows how happy we all were and that we enjoyed what life had given us; each other. But because I knew we all had to grow up...I left that happiness behind. Knowing that it won't only break my heart but theirs too. I know they'll make it through because they have each other...I have just myself but I've been managing for the past few years.


My first photoshoot was of a newly wed and I could tell by the looks in their eyes they loved each other genuinely. I wanted to capture that. With my camera I made sure I got what I needed so when I edit them later on, the pictures will radiate the feeling of love and happiness.

I led the couple to the pier I went to this morning and took shots there. With the background being the ocean and a dirt pathway with rocks, to me it conveys that with love and marriage, there will be hardships and troubles along the way but in the end, it's something beautiful and the love will continue to grow and grow and be infinite like the ocean.

After the photoshoot I went back to my apartment and began to edit. It took me 5-6 hours to do it because I want to make sure they look really good and are what my clients want. It was dinner time when I finished so I went out to get something to eat. I ordered take-out at one of my favorite restaurants that they already know my order, which is funny yet sad.

Anyways, on my way there I heard their live music playing and sat down at the bar to listen while waiting. The restaurant was outdoors so customers could enjoy the ocean view while eating. I looked around then my eyes landed on them...I couldn't turn away...but I should have. I was watching them and I could see they were all happy and having fun. It broke my heart a little but I know I did the right thing.

I kept staring until finally one of them made eye contact with me...Jin. I don't think he recognized me since I did change my style and looks since they all last saw me but it seems like he did.

He was saying something to the others and then they all turned around one by one to look at me. I should've turned away but I couldn't. I was frozen. In the restaurant filled with customers, it felt like it was only me and them. I snapped back to reality when a waiter handed me my food, then I left. Not before looking at them one more time and turning my back again...


A/N: Hope you guys like this new one so far! I know, I start and start new ones but don't finish. Honestly, I don't know which ones to finish, losing motivation on the others. But this one, I want to work on for the upcoming Watty's 2020! So please, comment and vote if you have any questions or just want to say something! 

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