It feels relaxing and the contact of a woman who wasn't trying to kill you felt nice for once. Though it was a feeling you were not used to.

  You look up at the group as they all seem taken aback for a moment.

Katara: Your a Kyoshi warrior? 

  The girl whom you just learned is called Katara said.

???: And you have, green eyes.

  The one in odd clothing said.

  You gave the three a confused look as Katara helped you readjust your armor and helps you to your feet.

  Katara spent a moment helping you readjust your hair and fix your outfit.

Katara: What happened, were you attacked?

???: Well no duh Katara, a warrior doesn't just waltz into a town with injuries unless they were attacked. But hey, now she has team Avatar here to protect her.

  Katara just gives the boy a look as you were a bit confused for the most part.

Katara: Sorry about him. Speaking of which we never got your name. Mines Katara, the annoying one is my brother Sokka and this is Aang.

  She gestures to her group.

  You go to speak but are cut off my some guy handing out fliers for some earth bending academy.

Guy: Hey, you kids like earth bending? You like throwin rocks? Then check out Master Yu's earth bending academy.

  He gives a flyer to you and Aang.

Aang: Look there's a coupon on the back, it says the first lesson is free.

Katara: Who knows maybe this Master Yu is the earth bending teacher you've been looking for. You go ahead Aang, me and Sokka will tend to. . umm.

Y/N: . . . What?

  The group was thrown off by your voice. It sounded cold and deep, not matching your attractive features in the slightest.

Katara: W-Well. What do we call you?

Y/N: . . . Nothing. At least not yet. I. . Still don't know how I feel about any of you.

  Aang steps up.

Aang: Hey, we know we just met but can you come with me to this class?

Katara: Aang, she- Sorry, He's in no condition to do anything of the sort. We don't even know if he's an earth bender.

Y/N: Why are you so fixed on me?

  You look confused for a moment and he sees that so he goes to explain why.

Aang: Okay, this is gonna sound odd. But I had a vision in a magic swamp and there was a Kyoshi warrior who looked just like you, though not as human in a way of speaking, but they looked just like you and-

Katara: What Aang is trying to say, is that he thinks we met you here for a reason and would like it if you came along.

Sokka: He's the Avatar, weird things like this are drawn to him.

  Your eyes widen in surprise. The Avatar was standing right in front of you. The key to all of your heart ache was right there.

Y/N: The Avatar?

  You give a bow to the best of your abilities.

Y/N: It is an honor to officially meet you. Now your odd clothing makes sense. I have never seen an air bender before. But, I cannot attend this class with you. I am too damaged for that, let alone be your teacher. . . Well, I think I can at least try to trust you. My name is (Y/N) Xu Song. It's a pleasure.

Aang: Well, will you at least tag along with us? You look like you could use the help.

 Y/N: . . . Hmm. For the moment, only because I am in need of survival.


  Aang had dragged you along to this academy for earth benders. You watched along with Sokka and Katara on the outside of the dojo.

Master Yu: Now take your stances.

  All the students take their stances.

Master Yu: Now strike as if you're punching through your opponent's head."

  The kids on the other side raised their rocks and shot them at Aang and the others.

   Aang wasn't as lucky as the others, and was pushed back into a vase of sand.

Y/N: . . . I'm confused, if he is the avatar, why would he take such a trivial course of earth bending?

Katara: We kinda don't have options for Earth bending masters.

Y/N: . . . Ever try just. I don't know, capturing an earth bender and exploiting their learnings?

Katara: That's terrible! We aren't kidnappers! why would you even suggest that.

Y/N: Just saying. It's one of the ways I learned how to fight.

  Katara turns back to you, giving you a surprised and slightly scared face.

  *Time skip*

Aang: I don't think he's the one. Where's (Y/N)

Sokka: Hmm? Oh, he's up there.

  Sokka points to you on the rooftops overlooking people and listening in on their conversations.

Sokka: Said he was gonna see if he could easedrop and get any info on a teacher worthy of the Avatar.

Katara: Turns out he's an earth bender as well, but doesn't even fully grasp the element himself. He actually wanted to learn more about it from you he said. Which is why he was so glad to see you.

  As the two talk, your ears perk up as you notice the boys who found you outside of the village walking by, talking about something that caught everyone's ears.

Boy: I think the Boulder's gonna win back the belt at Earth Rumble Six."

Boy 2: He's gonna have to fight his way through the best earth benders in the world to even get a shot at the championships."

  Aang decided to try to get some information. 

Aang: Excuse me, where is this earth bending tournament exactly?

Boy: Its on the island of nun-ya. Nun-ya-buisness.

  The two laugh and walk off.

Sokka: HAHAHAHA, oh I gotta remember that on.

  You land next to the group, causing a light tremor.

Y/N: We should engage them and make them spill the information.

  You draw your sword a bit.

Y/N: With extreme force.

Katara: No need for that, I'll take it from here.

  Katara rushes after the boys.

Katara: Yo strong guys, wait up!

  You watch her rush off as Sokka looks at his bag.

Sokka: What was I thinking? I don't need a new bag! Why'd you let me buy this?

  You watch as he tosses the beg down and the flying creature from his shoulder jumps into the bag getting comfortable.

Y/N: Your group is. . . not what I expected.

  Katara comes running back with a smile on her face.

Katara: You ready to find an earth bending teacher? Because we're going to Earth Rumble Six!

Aang: How'd you get them to tell you?

Katara: Oh, a girl has her ways.

  You enjoyed the insinuation as you gave a slight smile to Katara.

Y/N: I like this one.

The Ghost of Kyoshi (Male Reader X Avatar)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें