chapter 26

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There was still no reply from Jason. He was supposed to pick me up for school but he never showed up. I walked to school and searched the parking lot, no sign of his car. I searched each class and the whole school on breaks but he was no where to be found. After school I walked to his house. His car wasn't on the drive but it could have been in the garage. I rung the door bell and at first no one seamed to be at home, then a young woman answered the door.

"Yes how can I help you" she said.

"Uhh is Jason home?" I asked.

"No he's gone away for a while. I'm here taking care of his mother till he is back. Do you want to leave a message?".

"No thanks. Do you know when he will be back?" I smiled trying to hide my disappointment.

"He said a few days but he will be in contact every day. Are you sure I can't give him a message?" She looked at me with obvious concern on her face.

"No thanks it's fine." I walked back, down the drive and back home feeling defeated and upset.

I called his phone again to hear his voice mail. I left another message asking him to call me soon as he can.

I didn't hear anything from him for days. I popped back to his house a couple of times but he still wasn't in. He didn't show up for school all week. When I was at home I avoided my parents as much as possible. They made it easy by working lots. I had lots of time to think about things. By the end of the week I had decided I could do it on my own. I would raise this child, I would complete school, I would take a year off and apply to university a year later instead.

I had even done some research into how much things cost and made a list of items I would need. Number one of my list was to get a job. Next was a place of my own, then a buggy and in that order if I couldn't get a job or my own place what chance did I have of being able to get all the stuff for my baby. I had to do a bit of prioritising.

I looked at job sites and sent out some CV's. I looked at prices for places to live and signed up to some housing associations. I couldn't do much until I got a job so I had to wait for replies from the job site. I called my doctors office and got an appointment next week to see the midwife and get that all sorted, apparently I needed to take a pee sample in and have a load of blood tests. I was also going to be given a flu shot later on in the year.

On the Saturday I decided to go to town and get a savings account with my bank and transfers my money I had gotten the last year in allowance into a better account. And get some interest on it. I sat down with my bank manager and she took my details. I told her what I wanted to do.

"Okay so would you like me to transfer the whole account balance or just some of it?" She asked me.

I suddenly thought I didn't actually know how much was in there so I asked, "how much is the balance now."

"£7,536.23" she replied exactly.

"WHAT" I was stunned at how much there was I hadn't thought about it but my allowance for over a year plus the savings I already had in there. "Just the £7,000 please for now". I left some in my account for things I may need now.

"While we have you in we need to talk about your trust fund. We sent you some letters about it but we didn't hear from you" she said.

"I didn't know I had one" I said in total shock.

"Your parents set it up when you where born and every year added £1500 it is a rather substantial amount of money now. We can keep it until you turn 21 but you won't be able to use it until then or we can release the money to you now." She smiled as she could tell I was trying to work out how much was in there. "There is just shy of £32,000"

My jaw physically dropped, I was speechless. My parents saved that much money for me. "Can I transfer the money to my savings account?" I eventually managed to ask.

"Of course I will do that now for you. I will have a few more things for you to sign then we are all done". She clicked away at her computer for a few more minuets then got some printouts for me to sign. I signed my name still in disbelief. "That leaves your savings account total at £38,677.89. That's should be a very nice start in life for you. Do you have anything particular you are saving for, university, a car?" She asked.

"I don't know yet, but yeah I should get a car" I got up shook her hand and walked away very happy and feeling a lot better with my decision. At least I had a very healthy balance to start with this gave me a much better chance of being able to do this.

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