Chapter 10

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It took me about 25 minuets to walk to the main strip. It was full of life. There was lots of tourists around,probably staying at one of the local campsites or haven sites near by. There was also a lot of locals around. The businesses making the most of the tourist trade and other people out enjoying the weather with their kids.

The closer to the beach I got the busier it got. I swear us Brits, first sign of some good weather and everyone is stripping down to skins. I know is warm for the time of year but it ain't that hot. As if to showcase my point a middle aged, fat man walked in front of me in a pair of short, shorts that to be honest look 3 times too small. I shake my head laughing to myself and walk on to the beach.

I game off my shoes and love the feeling of the sand as it moves under my feet and between my toes. The beach is full now kids running everywhere, music blaring. From about five different places at once. I hope my beach is not like this, I might cry. I make my way along the beach, dodging people here and there until I get to the cliffs and the line of jagged rocks jutting out into the sea.

Some kids are playing in the rock pools but most people are further away as this side of the cliff is in shadow at this time of day. I know exactly where to climb over the rocks, where to put my feet, which bit to put my hands on. I put my bag over my head and begin to climb. I peak the rocks and look down over the other side to my beach, completely empty just as I left it.

I climb down, slipping a few times on the rocks. I should have put my shoes back on to climb the rocks really. My beach is basically a cove, it's only small and surrounded on three sides by the cliffs. I sit there on the sand for an hour or so staring at the sea. The wind picks up and it gets chilly so I put my jacket on, thank god I remembered to bring it. The the wind brims in a few more clouds but nothing too much to worry about. I go back to my blank staring for another 10 minuets then I feel a drop of water on my nose.

I look up and see a dark ominous looking cloud, just as the heavens open. It starts to pour down big, fat rain drops. I also hadn't realised how far the tide had come in. It now lapped at my toes. The wind blowing the waves further in land. There was no chance I could get back to the rocks and climb over now, it was too late. The I y other option was to head for the cave.

(Just a small chapter this time thanks for reading)

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