Chapter 9

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I woke up that morning and did my usual, hair, makeup, get dressed and go down stairs for breakfast. The house was extremely quiet as I sat eating my toast alone. One finished I cleaned up and looked around the house. Yep nothing to do again. As it was a decent day out and the sun was shinning, I decided to sit in the garden and rad a book on my wattpad app.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up and the sun had moved, putting me in the shade. My phone had slipped down into my lap and when I looked I realised I had been sat there for 4 hours. I also noticed I had a missed call off a number I didn't know.

"I thought they had gotten bored of this game by now" I say to myself out loud.

I had calls like this before they started not long after Alison's funeral. At first I would answer them and get a torrent of abuse from the caller, always in some stupid muffled voice. After a while I stopped answering the calls, just ignoring them. Then they started leaving me voice mails, after listening to a few of them and just ending up in tears, I would just delete them without reading them first. There was no point getting upset over their words, I already know what I did. Now there was another voice mail, it had been about 2 months since the last one. I guess the 1 year anniversary stored things up again.

Without listening to it I automatically delete it and put my gone in my shorts pocket. I can hear noises coming from inside the house now so I go in to see who it is. In the kitchen my mother is standing in front of the cooker storing something on the stove.

"Hi mum" I say. She turns around in surprise, narrows her eyes at me, giving me a filthy look then turning back to the cooker.

"His Izzy, how are you doing?" I mock sarcastically.

"I'm just great mum. Thanks for asking" and I turn to walk right back out.

"Get out of my house now, I don want to see you for the rest of the day" my mother shouts at me.

"Fine!" I shout back.

I run up to my room grab my bag and a jacket, picking up my keys on the way out of the door, which slams behind me. At least I got some words out of her today, I just don't know if that is better than the silent treatment though.

It's almost 1pm on a Saturday, it's still the Summer holidays and the good weather seams set to stay for the duration. People would be hanging around by the beach either on the piers or in the amusement arcades. Over the last winter, when there wasn't to many people around, I a me down to the beach to think. It would be freezing cold, normally very windy and sand would be flying in my face. I just bundled up in warm layers of clothes and took a blanket to wrap around myself. One day I found this little secluded spot, away from all the touristy bits. In the winter it was tricky to get to with the waves crashing at my feet and once I nearly got stuck there by the incoming tide. Recently though it has gotten easier as the weather has gotten better.

I went there many times since finding it. It's my go to place, whenever something happens or I just want to get out, I go there. That's where I decided to go now. My feet know the way, with my head down and music playing in my ears, I make my way to the main strip.

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