chapter 22

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I woke up in the hospital, I got so scared as I had flashbacks to the car crash and the injuries. I moved my arms and legs, good they all worked, I sat up and my stomach hurt a little but I could cope with it. I looked around it wasn't a single room I was in a ward. You know with curtains around three sides of you, blocking other people from seeing you, if your lucky.

I wasn't there was a women next to me who was curled up in her heavy breathing sounding like she was in some sort of pain. Probably in her stomach as she was holding it. To my other side the bed was empty but slept in. I went to get up but I was attached to a drip and a bleep machine. I also had on one of those blood pressure things that kill your arm. I took off the cuff and the bleep machine but I wasn't brave enough to just rip the drip out.

The person from the other bed came back then and sat on the edge of her bed and looked at me.
"You ain't far on are you?" She asked

"Far on what?" I said back, she just looked at me then looked down at her stomach which looked like it has a beach ball under her top. She was pregnant and very heavily pregnant by the looks of it.

"Oh your pregnant, you mean am I pregnant? Oh no I'm not pregnant. I think I just passed out at this party."

"Your on the " she said but she was interrupted by Jason walking in, "your awake thank god I thought I was going to have to pour water over you next" he said making a joke of things but he didn't look in a joking mood. he looked kinda sad and a bit scared.

"Did you have to bring me to the hospital couldn't you just let me sleep at yours. There was no need for all this I probably got too hot and I haven't eaten much the last couple of days maybe that's why I fainted" I said.

"Uhh no I had to call an ambulance actually you fell down the stairs and you where so hot and you where bleeding a lot" he pointed to my clothes.

That's when I realised I wasn't wearing my dress anymore, the tight corset and skirt where in a clear bag at the bottom of the bed and I was in one of those horrible hospital gowns. I didn't feel like I had any injuries so where did I bleed from?

"Did I hit my head or cut my self somewhere? I don't feel any pain, except my stomach hurts a little" I say

"No you didn't cut yourself on anything like that it's.... Well you kinda... I don't...." he tried to say.

"For goodness sake Jason what happened? Please tell me"

"You where bleeding a lot from down there I knew it was bad and you shouldn't bleed that much I just didn't know. I didn't know you where.... I should have stopped.... I shouldn't have done it to you..... I'm sorry I'm so sorry to have done this to you then have this happen to it. I can't ...... I didn't Know what to do.... please I'm sorry."

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