soonyoung nodded, "we wanna help."

"hey is it cold in here or is it just me?" jihoon said, quickly changing the subject. jeonghan huffed at jihoon's attempt to dodge the subject. he walked over to him and slapped his flour covered hand on jihoon's forehead.

"no fever.. but those eye bags.. get your ass outta here." jeonghan barked out. "i don't need sleep deprived, constantly on edge zombies working here. i don't care what you do today but you're not working. relax and go get some sleep today."

jihoon looked at the man in disbelief, "i'm fine! like you said i don't have a fever... and my eyes bags," jihoon looked at his reflection through a knife. "my eye bags.. they're not even that bad! and i'm not even that jumpy.. i'm fine! i can work, trust me."

"why can't you accept a break like any normal person." jeonghan said, rubbing his forehead, unknowingly leaving flour there. "i give you a break and you argue with me, saying you want to work." the man sighed, "what's wrong with you. is it the fact that you need money?"

"of course it is." jihoon mumbled.

"i'll pay you if you take a break." at this point, jeonghan was basically giving him free money. not a super smart move but the man was desperate for jihoon to start looking after himself.

"what?! are you stupid- no. i could never accept that."

jeonghan massaged pinched the bridge of his nose. "soonyoung, take this idiot out and keep him out."

"what did you just call me?"

"got it!" in one swift motion, soonyoung lifted jihoon up bridal style and dashed out the door.

"are you crazy?! put me down you lunatic!" the baker's face quickly heated up.

jihoon's pathetic squirming and empty (soonyoung assumed they were empty) threats didn't stop soonyoung at all and jihoon had no choice but to cross his arms and wait for his opportunity to beat the shit out of him.

"put me down!"

chuckling, soonyoung finally compiled to jihoon's orders and gently placed the boy on the ground. they were no longer surrounded by people and shops but instead surrounded by the sounds of nature and trees. as soon as jihoon got on his feet, he raised his hand and swung down on soonyoung's head. he was annoyed that the boy picked him up and ran.

soonyoung moving quickly to the side, he easily dodged the blow.

jihoon unhappily plopped down to the ground with a huff. looking at the boy, soonyoung creeped back over beside him. "sorry about that," he said sincerely, "i probably should have asked you before carrying you. it's just.. you looked so uncomfortable all the time in the bakery, i thought that some time away from all the people would help you a little.."

of course, why hadn't he thought of that before. he looked around and smiled. aside from soonyoung's gaze, there was no one else. "mm.. this is nice." falling back on the grass, jihoon closed his eyes and finally felt like he could sleep.

soonyoung stared at jihoon who looked unbelievably ethereal in the sunlight. his entire body glowed making him look like a resting fairy.

"stop staring." jihoon said, not even opening his eyes.

the silver haired boy coughed. "it's just you look.." beautiful, gorgeous, so pretty, like an angel, like a fairy, stunning, " you needed this rest."

jihoon laughed airily, "i guess jeonghan was right.." he murmured, already half asleep. "but why do i still want to work.."

"just go to sleep." soonyoung shrugged off his jacket and placed it over top of jihoon.

the boy hummed and burrowed his head underneath the jacket. "smells nice.." soonyoung grinned the widest grin when the only thing that peaked out from under his jacket was jihoon's fluffy hair. how could a human being be so endearing.

"i hope whatever is bothering you will go away soon jihoonie." soonyoung said softly while playing with the boy's hair.

no response, not even a hum.

deeming that the boy was asleep, soonyoung curled up beside him with no intention of going back to the bakery and closed his eyes too.

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