"Bii... do you want to drink and party? Or should we just take a stroll?" Gulf turned his head and their faces are inches apart. They just stood there amidst the wild crowd and loud music as if they are the only people existing in the world.

Mew felt Gulf's minty breath and suddenly someone had accidentally pushed Gulf closer to his lover. Their noses touched, sending an impulse of electric signals throughout Gulf's body and face. He would never tire of feeling the spark throughout his body whenever their skin touched. Gulf could smell the strong, masculine scent of Mew, and if he'd have a favorite scent, it would be Mew.

From the excitement of the crowd and the intoxicating smell of his lover, Gulf closed the distance between them. Gulf put his hand on his lover's neck, deepening the kiss even more. Where he took the courage to do so is a mystery to Mew, but he liked this side of Gulf. He very much like it when Gulf initiated something although it sounded that Mew was not initiating something at all.

People who were staring at them earlier looked away, discouraged that two hot men just kissed passionately in front of them.

Just when Mew wanted to French kiss his lover, Gulf pulled back with a smile in his face.

"I thought we're going on a stroll."

"I have an even better idea." Mew smirked while leaning on his lover's neck. If not for the concealer, everyone would have already seen how wild they had been.

Gulf groaned, knowing quite well what his lover is implying.

"No. I want to walk and stroll Boo. I don't want to be sore throughout our stay in Pattaya."

"But you really enjoyed it last night. You were even—" Gulf elbowed his lover, and pouted. He didn't want to remember every kinky stuff that he said or the begging that he did. It was utterly out of character.

Mew, being a hoe for his lover's cute pouting face, just let it slide and took his hand. They exited the bar and he couldn't wait to brag to Earth that Gulf didn't like the club. He had wanted to talk trash about his brother's club for a long time, and now he had a reason.


There was an open cafe near the beach, and there are only few people inside given that most have probably been partying or enjoying the streets of Pattaya.

The sea breeze provided a good amount of chill, and it was really a good atmosphere to grab some coffee. Mew ordered for the both of them, an espresso for him and a hot chocolate for his baby.

A chair for sunbathing sat outside the cafe, and Gulf decided to have his rest there. While waiting for Mew, he casually checked on his phone and YouTube studios app incase there was an update. He had not really posted for months already, and his subscribers are already commenting him to make a new one.

At the corner of his eye, he saw a guitar. It was just sitting there, full of sand as if waiting for its owner to come back and use it. And in an instant, the guitar found its way on Gulf's hands.

He was thinking on what song he should make a cover next when Mew returned and delivered their beverages. Gulf muttered his thanks and immediately drank the scalding hot chocolate. His tongue burned at the sensation, and almost poured the drink at his lover who was attempting to sit at a chair beside him.

"Take it easy Bii. Do you want me to get some water for you?" Mew's eyebrows creased at his lover's clumsiness.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it Boo."

Learning his lesson, Gulf blew on his drink before gulping it. The strong scent of coffee beans and the sound of waves lapping the sea and Gulf's presence had made Mew feel like home. He wanted time to stop and stay here forever. He didn't want to return to the reality that he had fucked up parents and equally fucked up mind. Mew erased his thoughts of negativity and just focused on his lover who was closing his eyes while drinking hot chocolate, obviously satisfied with its taste.

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