The stablehand returned again bearing a saddle and bridle, he did not put the tack on the horse however. It was Lucas's job to do that. He brushed the horse first, so that no clods of dirt would irritate the stallion from under his blanket. Then he placed the saddle pad on, it was a simple piece of thin but study leather meant to keep the saddle from chafing. The horse shifted uneasily as Lucas adjusted the pad, it stilled after a moment so Lucas continued with his task. The saddle came next, a simple affair meant for stability rather than comfort. He slid it over the back of his steed, securing the straps. Finally the bridle went over the head of the roan, silently Lucas prayed that he wouldn't be bitten as he placed the bit between large teeth, but fate seemed to be with him as he finished with all ten fingers.

Throughout the whole process Lucas tried not to make eye contact with the horse as they were often uneasy with the feline like eyes the elves possesed. Harriet, his instructer, told him it was because in the wild horse were hunted by mountain lions though privately he thought it was just because the horses didn't like being challenged. This thought in mind he mounted, pulling himself up onto the high back. There he waited for Harriet to appear with her own steed, a white mare named Death of all things.

He didn't have long to wait, the gentle clop of hooves striking packed dusted sounded behind him along with a high tinkling laugh. Harriet appeared examining his work, ensuring that nothing was out of place. After completing her inspection she laughed again, "Well done Lucas, you only made one mistake." Worriedly Lucas looked down examining his gear, "What?"

"You forgot to untie your horse." Face reddening Lucas leaned over to see the knot was indeed still attached to the bridle he had used. Embarrassed he dismounted and released the tie, then he climbed back on swiftly. "Master Hoffman sent me to practice my riding." Harriet laughed yet again and started riding away, "I know, come." Unwillingly Lucas urged his horse to a trot and followed the ethereal white horse and its rider.
Lucas returned to the stable at high-noon, Hoffman was waiting for him. Lucas grimaced, he hurt in all the unmentionable places but Hoffman's presence was confirmation that he was not done for the day. Though, Lucas reflected, it was rare to finish before midnight so it would be surprising if someone wasn't there to give him a new task.

Lather coated his Roan's sides giving off a sweet musky smell as the two entered the small space of a stall. Hoffman stood back as Lucas dismounted, laughing to himself at the bow-legs left from the long ride. He did however stop Lucas from cleaning up the horse, "A stable-boy will do that you have a different task ahead." Lucas nodded dropping the reigns tirdly, the well trained horse didn't move as the two elves excited the small space.

Lucas moved stiffly following the great strides Hoffman took towards the training field near the building. The swift pace began to stretch the stiffness from Lucas's upper legs as the two progressed across the grounds. By the time they arrived Lucas could walk normally, but as he examined the set area he realized he would soon be doing much more than that. There were several wooden racks filled with swords and daggers of various sizes. There were also a few racks with bows and quivers of arrows, off in the distance were several targets. Around the entire area his bunkmates were dueling or shooting at the targets.

Hoffman grabbed a sword and tossed the other to Lucas, "You're the odd man out so you get me as a dueling partner." Lucas caught the blade with ease, they hadn't done any weapons training in the last month. Everything, every exercise, had been to build muscle and awareness of their surroundings. And now that he was holding a blade Lucas felt the familiar rage, bloodlust, rise up. Lucas tried to quell the urge to run Hoffman through, if he noticed the difficult Lucas was having Hoffman didn't react. He simply turned and headed to an empty area in the great field. Swallowing with difficulty Lucas followed holding the sword tightly wondering if he would be able to control himself when the time came to cross blades.

Hoffman stopped turning to face him, holding his sword at the ready. Hesitantly Lucas shifted his own grip to a readier one, holding the sword in front of him. In the back of his mind Lucas could feel the violence rising, the urge to kill struggling to take control. But now he had no excuse, no desire for revenge, so he held it in check as Hoffman appraoched.

In a spinning blur of steel Hoffman attacked, lunging forward so quickly Lucas barely saw the blade. But acting on some instinct he reacted, brining his own practice sword to bear and blocking the stroke. Hoffman was surprised, Lucas could see it in his face, but he continued the attack anyway. A second blow whipped for his head, but Lucas sensed it was not the final destination, there was some hesitation in the movment. So instead he moved his blade downward, blocking the twist that came from Hoffman.

Without waiting for the next attack Lucas launched one of his own. He swung his blade, aiming for Hoffman's upper arm. The elf blocked it and stumbled back a pace, "Hold Lucas." Red rising in his vision Lucas ground his teeth, blinking furiously, trying to regain control. "Hold Lucas!" Panting Lucas stopped, his vision clearing. Before him Hoffman was standing, holding his sword defensivly. Wit returning to him Lucas realized what he had almost done. Thinking quickly he tried to imagine an excuse for his behavior, "I . . ."

Hoffman cut him off, "Where did you learn the sword?" Lucas blinked "Err, I, well you see." Hoffman narrowed his eyes, "You've never had nay instructiong. Have you?" Lucas clutched his dull practice blade, "No sir, I haven't" Breathing heavily he watched for the response. Hoffman seemed to be pondering what he had just said, as he stood waiting for a reply Lucas forced himself to lower the blade.

Around them the other elves battled on, ignorant to the developing situation in their midst.

At last Hoffman turned back, "Lets see what you can do, but try not to kill me." Lucas's eyes widened, slowly he once again raised the tip of his sword. Hoffman mimicked him, settling into a ready stance. Carefully the two began to circle, looking for any sign of weakness in the other. Lucas felt his mind begin to clear and he prayed that he would be able to maintain control.

As he took another step sideways a sudden flash of light filled his vision, he had rotated enough to be directly facing the sun. Hoffman attacked taking advantage of Lucas's momentary confusion. Lucas, however, managed to slide to the side of the blade, bringing his own to counter. Hoffman danced away twirling his sword around Lucas's feet forcing the elf to jump back as well.

Again the two circled, this time Lucas was more careful to stay out of the sun. Hoffman, more experianced, never neared the bright position. Again the two engaged in their battle, steel ribbons flying through the air as swords clashed again and again. Around them a larger space began to clear as elves saw what was happening. Clear amazement emanated from the crowd of observers, even the seasoned guardians who had volunteered to help train the recruits had their mouths hanging open.

Oblivious to the audience Lucas and Hoffman continued their duel, swords and bodies intertwining as the fight raged on. Lucas was struggling to contain himself, trying to stop himself from landing lethal blows. But he needn't have worried, Hoffman blocked each blow with slight difficulty.

Lucas began to pant as he struggled to keep up with his instructer, then in a final blur he felt the cold tip of Hoffman's blade on his throat.

Lucas (Book Two of The Guardians series)Where stories live. Discover now