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Dedicated to:Reef_Taylor13

Listen to these songs while reading the story ( GERONIMO by Sheppard ) or ( I LIKE ME BETTER by Lauv)


MEGAN's Point Ov View

Yes, Alexandria Fiorelli, the brat is my schoolmate. She's the queen bee, the cheerleading captain, the sorority leader, and all other popular undertakings whatsoever. She's got it all. That's her.

Jane Aurora Fiorelli-Schmidt, on the other hand, is her cousin. The mean girl number two. She is your best 'white Ariana Grande' there is and I think, the luckiest bitch. She's the girlfriend of the famous Adele Exarchopuolos. Such a privilege for her.

" She must be huge baggage," I chuckled. I'm referring to Jane being Adele's love interest.

" You're so rude ! " said Lea. She chuckled, too.

I shrugged my shoulders " She's crazy mean, tu sais," I said.

" Look who's talking," Lea joked.

" How could you ! " I shouted and spanked her.

" What? That hurts," she laughed and rubbed the part where I spanked her.

It is our weekend getaway. We got in her car, on the road for an hour and later parked in the middle of the road. She walked outside the car and took what was in a car's compartment, when I saw what it was, I laughed. It's a machete.

" Is this some kind of a salvage? " I joked and looked around. It's windy so I cupped my hair to stop it from dancing.

Between the plain distant trees and shrubs around, the left view is breathtaking.

It's a beautiful blue mountain.

Damn. That is a masterpiece.

I caught a glimpse of Lea. She was looking at the sky and at the blue mountain.

" It's beautiful," I said referring to the view. I breathed in when I felt a cool breeze passed by me. It was refreshing.

" Yes, she is," she said and glanced at me. I glanced back.

Her blue eyes radiated as the morning light reflected on it. It's as beautiful as the mountain.

I gasped for air when she stopped and stared at me for a few moments more.

" Can I kiss you? " she then whispered, out of nowhere.

I was in awe.

It felt like heaven when she planted a kiss on my lips and whispered the words " I love you,"

I can't feel my face after that.


"Come," Lea said and lent me her hand.

" Where are we going? "I asked, still can't seem to look at her in the eyes.

" You'll see," she replied as she skillfully swayed the machete to cut off those hurdle tall grasses to clear a way for us.

It was a 10-minute jungle walk with a cyclone wire fence waiting at the end of the road.

On the other side, a few meters away is a man standing beside a somewhat, roofless car.

" That's a trailer truck," Lea said.

I looked at her.

" A trailer truck? " I asked curiously.

She nodded and whistled like a pro to call the man's attention.

The man raised his hand and waved at Lea.

" He's my brother," she said.

I was stunned.

" That's Leigh? He's kinda different from what I imagined," I complaint.

" I know," she said and walked inside an opening.

" My little girl, " Leigh greeted Lea with a big smile on his face. He approached her and messed up his hair.

My little girl?

Leigh had a sleek hair sporting a cotton long sleeve casual slim fit in navy blue, denim, and boots. He's in fact good looking and has model proportions with biceps and muscles in their right places. He looked like a cool Mr. goody-two-shoes in particular business garb.

It seemed like I saw a male version of Lea.

" I want you to meet Megan," Lea said.

" Finally, nice to meet you," Leigh said and lent me a handshake.

I was about to take his hand when Lea took it instead " We're gonna get ready," she said and pulled me away from him.

Leigh laughed.

" What's wrong?" I asked, puzzled.

" Nothing," she answered.

I raised my left brow " Where are we going?" I asked.

"Here," she replied.

I followed her gaze.

It led me to a house made entirely of glass in the middle of the forest. I cursed. Damn, It was fairytale-like.

I was more stunned when two boys come running towards us.

" Leighton! Jack ! come here! " Lea called the boys and crouched as they approached her.

It was funny how the three of them looked much alike.

" Blue-haired ! " called the kid with the tougher features. He had sleek hair just like Leigh but a mini version.

" Blue haired? " I asked Lea with a questionable look.

She laughed and mouthed 'that-is-not-what-you-think'.

I mouthed 'really?' for a reply and rolled my eyeballs.

" Who's she? " asked the other kid with the softer features. His hair was more of a classic taper haircut.

I pointed myself.

He nodded.

They all glanced at me, got me a bit shy.

" She's Megan," Lea said and smirked.

" Hi?" I said, stuck like a tomato.

" Finally ! " said the newcomer. He's wearing a classic taper haircut just like the other kid but the bigger version " Is that you blue-haired?" he added.

" Jackson," Lea called and met him halfway.

The man named Jackson was squeaking as if he was excited.

He hugged Lea and looked at me as if he was so delighted to see me.

I bit my lip and pointed myself, again.

He nodded and approached me. I was taken aback when he hugged me tightly.

He glanced at Lea and mouthed him the words ' She's so cool! '.


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