
72 4 43

Dedicated to: Reef_Taylor13


THIRD PERSON'S Point ov View

A high-ends' party bloomed throughout the Pink Palace. A contour of glam, fashion, and fun.

" Even the splendid buffet with definite impressive taste contrasts can surely blow you away," said the hostess.

" That is so true ! " answered Kristen, a particular eye-catching guest. She has a long amber hair with an elegant curly 'do.

She lifted her wineglass and made a toast with the woman on the left. It was Erika.

The latter looks stunning in a beige fitted back strap dress. The bold Scandinavian long and white hair in a low pony, light makeup, and a lip gloss garb pretty emphasize her most beguiling ocean blue eyes.

She thought she was going to sit at Samantha's. And yet, the mad bitch is wooing another girl.

" That's an absolute philanderer," she said. She discerns visually of Samantha and a brown-haired girl making out in front of the crowd. That side of the party is getting wild

" I'm gonna getcha," she added and drunk in her wineglass.

" Dogs .. " said Kristen while chewing gum. Erika looked at her. " Do not fall for one who has eyes for every bitch," she added and winked at her.

Erika grinned for an answer.

" Woman, keep your head high and middle finger higher," said Zendaya, the girl who occupies the chair next to Erika. She was with Bella who nodded and raised her wineglass with her middle finger up in the air.

They imitated her and raised their very own middle fingers and toasted their wine glasses.

" Fuck you bitches !" they all cheered and laughed simultaneously.

Megan, on the other hand, always had trouble with cigarette butts thrown in the toilet. She was a custodian assigned to the left wing's comfort room.

She rolled her eyes upon seeing lipstick stains on the bathroom mirror walls.

I don't think I would feel cool after kissing mirrors, she thought.

"Si je pouvais simplement tremper cette vadrouille dans la cuvette des toilettes et l'utiliser pour laver ces taches de rouge à lèvres, je le ferais. Devant ces gosses gâtés, pour qu'ils sachent ce qu'ils embrassent " she mumbled while trying hard to remove those stains. ( If I could just dip this floor mop into the toilet bowl and use it to wash off these lipstick stains, I'll do that. In front of those spoiled brats, for them to know what they are kissing)

" You'll do that?" she heard someone say.

She glanced back in the hopes that weren't the manager. She was thankful to see that it was just one of the party guests.

It was Erika. She knows that she is a Scandinavian model.

She ignored her and continued what she's doing.

Erika, on the other hand, was wowed upon seeing that housekeeper's countenance.

She was drunk but she was not blind. She's so beautiful.

She suddenly laughed and looked in the mirror.

" Really Erika? Are you really so heartbroken that you even notice the housekeeper?" she said.

She looked at the woman. She stopped rubbing in the mirror and looked at her. Her face has literally no reaction. How is that even possible?

Megan seems to notice that the model was a bit lightheaded, that must be the reason why she talked to herself.

She ignored her and approached someone on the door. It was the newcomer, Khelani.

" Hey," Kehlani greeted her.

" Thank god you're here," said Megan" I probably should go," she added.

" Sure," said the newcomer.

It is the end of her shift and it is Kehlani's turn.

On the way to St. August, she called Lea, her roommate. St. August is a boarding school. And Party Palace is where she worked part-time.

" Hé, comment va la fête?," Lea asked and chuckled.( How's the party goin'?)

" Juste une autre fête de pute," she said. ( Just another whore's party)


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