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i wake up with a pounding headache. i sit up on my bed holding my head and see alexis getting ready.

'alexis what are you doing?' i ask confused. she stops getting ready and comes to my bed with pills and water. i take the pills and the water.

'aurora we need to get ready for school' she says and goes back to getting ready.

'its already monday??' i say while getting up from my bed and going to get my uniform.

'yes sweetie it is' she sarcastically says. i put on my skirt and polo and then my sweatshirt because its still cold outside.

i sit down to do my makeup and im putting on my makeup when alexis asks.

'so what happened between you and timothee?'  theres always tension when someone mentions timothee. like theres a already a weight in my chest but it gets heavier whenever someone mentions him.

'umm i havent talked to you about him?' i say bluffing because i know i havent. im still doing my makeup but i stop to face her.

'no but yesterday at the end of the party when nicki was carrying you back here you kept on talking about how much you love and miss timothee. nicki kept on patting your hair and saying i know, he misses you too. i asked nicki what happened but he felt that you should be the one to say rather then him' she says while sitting on her bed putting on her platform shoes.

'well its a really long and complicated story but last semester i was heartbroken over nicki.' i get back to doing my makeup while i talk.

'back then nicki was a fuck boy and he played me, bad. then one day at a party i met timmy and he picked all the little pieces of my heart and glued them back together.' my heart warms at the thought of all the good times we had.

'nicki saw what was happening and he became jealous like really jealous. he even cried to me about how much he was sorry about how he treated me and how he would change for me. i thought i loved nicki at the time and a part of me did but not the way i love timothee. i had to choose i loved and cared for both of them. after a night of thinking and fucking crying a lot i went to nicki's dorm where they both lived and only nicki was there so i told him that thank you for everything but no. when i left i was going to find timothee and he saw me leaving their dorm and he thought i chose nicki. i tried to talk to him but he ignored me and i didnt see either of them for a few days. they were avoiding me and each other. one night i had a sleepover with my ella and alli, alli was the girl who used to live with me. we got drunk and got into a car crash and we ended up in the hospital and i fractured my ankle. timothee and nicki were both there and thats when timothee told me he'd never leave me and he didnt. 2 months after that he asked me to be his girlfriend. we were together for 3 weeks when i found out when timothee thought i chose nicki he slept with some bitch.' a tear runs down my cheek but i wipe it away quickly.

'after that i was a mess and he told me he loved and he was trying to numb the pain i guess. we tried to work it out but i got to insecure and i over thought a lot so yeah. thats why things are the way they are' i say finishing my makeup and i turn to see alexis in a shocked expression with her mouth open.

'wow that is messy' she says putting on her jacket.

'yup' i say putting on my shoes. i try to calm myself because i can feel tears about to start and i just put on makeup so.

'i can tell he still loves you like you do him aurora. so why not just stop wasting time and get together already.' she says like its that easy.

'i think right now i need to just work on myself before thinking of that as an option. i still have so much need to work on, especially not being insecure.' i say as we walk out the dorm towards the cafeteria.

'yeah i get that, but if you love him then why are flirting with jason?' alexis asks and i try asking myself the same question.

'i dont know. my stomach just uh kinda fluttered when i saw him. it was weird' i say rubbing my head.

'yeah well so much for working on yourself i guess' alexis says and laughs.

'hey just because im working on myself doesnt mean i cant have fun' i say feeling weird because im a hypocrite. i say things and do the other it just doesnt make sense.

while were walking on the lake bridge someone bumps into me and i fall forward.

'what the fuck' i say and i look up to see jason. im shocked and he helps me up.

'holy shit im so sorry, aurora' he says smiling. i dust off my legs.

'its fine i guess' i say trying to hold back a smile. that was so embarrassing not gonna lie.

alexis and i continue walking towards the cafeteria. i dont know how to feel about that because that was totally on purpose.


soooo guyssss i broke my elbow skating like a month ago and got my cast off yesterday and now it hurts like a morherfucker but anywayssss :) i love you guys so much! writing these stories and knowing you guys enjoy them makes me happy! get ready for the cafeteria scene its going to be a juicy one....


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