The mug child jumped forward with a blue fist, aiming for the large head. Cuphead's demon was ready for this and grabbed the thrusting arm. Using the child's own momentum, he spun around and tossed it into the wall. Mug winced in pain. Photos and other garments rattled against the house's cement structure but did not fall. The large cup wasted no time in approaching the young mug again. With a glowing red fist ready, he slung it forward. Mugman ducked to the side as the fist collided with the wall, spraying more chunks of their home across the floor. The little mug brought his two glowing fists together and slammed them down onto his brother's large cup. Yellow eyes bulged out as it was forced to the ground. It seemed to be winded at the moment, so the parasitic creature attempted yet again for the other one to realize that they didn't have to fight.

Give up? Mug's demon asked.

"Give....up? I don't know the meaning of that!" It spat. The dark creature then forced Cuphead up and pinned the mug child to the wall by its wrists. "I'm just getting warmed up...." Large teeth bared right in front of Mug's body. The Devil clapped his gray paws while Kettle stared in bewilderment about what they were saying, growing evermore worried for his boys' sakes.

I can't move! What do we do? He panicked and tried to break free from the grip.

Spit fire at him. The demon suggested.

No! I wouldn't do that to Cuphead!

Well, you better do something or that thing is going to crush your chest! And me! It said frantically as the teeth came ever closer to his home. The other demon purposefully approached slowly to increase the fear factor of the child. Mugman breathed quick and short breaths. He was running out of time to think of something. Mug closed his eyes and swiftly brought up one of his enlarged boots. It collided with Cuphead's crotch. The gaping mouth immediately narrowed. Its eyes wavered and watered as the cup child ultimately crumpled to the ground in pain.

Interestingly effective....  The parasitic creature noted. For he never thought of that spot as being a particularly sensitive and vulnerable place.

Mugman tackled his brother. They rolled along the ground, trying to overpower one another. The mutated mug ended up tossing Cup away and into the wall, just like it had done to him. Mug attempted to hold his big brother against the wall by the wrists. But Cup's arms were thicker than the mug's and they threatened to break free of the grip. The young mug sensed it was going to lash out with its teeth. So he quickly let go and jumped back. The cup's teeth would have crushed Mug's head if he had not moved. Mugman stood in shock for a second at the deafening sound of the teeth clanging together. However, one second was all the monstrous cup needed to make another move. Its large head barreled into the young mug's torso and tossed him to the ground. A hiss of pain emitted from the child. Cuphead grabbed his sibling's leg and started to drag him closer. Mug instinctively lashed out with his other leg. His foot hit the cup slave square in the knee. The large hand let go as it moaned in pain and fell to its knees. Its opponent stood up and bombarded him with streams of dark blue magic at close range. Mug forced the demon to stop the assault after a few seconds. He watched as the enlarged body lay on the ground groaning in pain.

We don't have to keep fighting. It is your decision. Said the demon, giving the other one a second chance to forfeit. But I suggest you ask the boy what he wants. And I guarantee he will tell you to stop fighting his brother.

"Ask the kid? That's unheard of!" It hissed back, insulted that a demon would ever suggest such a thing. "Demons don't compromise! They dominate! And they certainly don't ask mortals what they want! You're not a demon anymore!"

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Where stories live. Discover now