I Can't Change It (Part 2)

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Mug's demon was running about the child's soul, his sprite in the form of the sludgy demon from the child's dreams, searching desperately for his host's little blue sprite.

"Mugman! Mugman, where are you?" He called out. "This is no time for hiding!" And then the black sludgy apparition of the demon saw him. His small blue figure was collapsed on the floor much like Cuphead's was. The parasitic creature rushed forward and got down on his knees as he went to arouse the mug. A clawed hand was just about to touch him when the black mug gasped and froze in place. Inky streams of liquid were dripping off him. The demon looked between his two arms in alarm. It was as if he were starting to melt.

"I....I don't wanna die!" The creature cried out in pure fear and seized his head. For Mugman had taught him how valuable life was. The coveted and revered concepts of torture and death taught in Hell did not seem so glorious anymore. If Mug had heard him say that, he would have been proud. The demon reached down for his host in hopes that the melting would stop if the mug woke up.

"Please Mugman! You have to-!" The black mug seemed to teleport elsewhere when he touched the boy.

It was quiet. White fog heavily covered the surrounding area, making it impossible for the demon to make out where he was. All that he was certain of was the stone ground underneath his feet.

"Where am I? And what's with all this fog?" Black claws tore through the thick air, barely shoving it aside. The atmosphere was so thick and wet that he couldn't even see more than a couple feet in front of him. And then a small voice carried over the white mist.

"Help! Help, please!" It cried out. The sound seemed to be getting closer and closer. Through the mist came a small mug. It was Mugman, but he seemed even smaller than the glass body that the parasitic creature was used to. The child desperately looked around for something. It gasped and came to a halt when it saw the black mug standing there looking dumbfounded.

Why are you so small? He wanted to ask and cocked his head to the side. But before the demon could say anything, the mug toddler cried out with its wailing voice again.

"Will you help me?"

"Um...I'm kind of in a hurry, but sure." The sludgy creature said, still very confused as to what was going on. A set of claws nervously scratched his mug. What else was he supposed to say to the boy?

"This way!" Without another thought, Mug grabbed the parasitic creature's hand and led him onward. The demon let the child, who was clearly no more than four years old, drag him through the seemingly breathing atmosphere. It would cling to him and then part a bit to allow just a glimpse of what was around. Cliff faces towered over them. The rocky structures seemed to curve over and watch their movements ever so carefully. Like they were real rock giants that could squish the mugs with a single toe.

Little Mugman slowed down for a moment, taking a quick glance left and right. It was clear that he was trying to remember the right way. But the correct way to what?

After a few more seconds of running through the fog, they finally came upon some sort of heap on the ground. The demon stopped on the spot and yanked his hand away when he saw what it really was. It was a heap alright. A heap of glass that used to be two living people. Shards were spilled unevenly about the terrain. The young mug kept going right up to the broken bodies. He sobbed and hugged onto the one that seemed to have a pink floral pattern on it.

"My mom and dad won't get up!" A puddle of the child's tears pooled onto the center of one of those flowers. "Why won't they get up? Please! Can you help?" The young mug kept talking, pleading for him to help. The demon watched as the mug child wept over his dead parents. He wasn't quite sure what to say to the boy. How do you break the news to a four-year old that his parents were gone? It certainly didn't help that he wasn't the mushiest of creatures either.

"Umm..." It began as it nervously scratched the back of its mug with a clawed hand. Poor little Mugman cried hopelessly as he continually asked the black mug questions and begging him to help. "Kid!" He snapped, trying to get the child to stop babbling. The little mug flinched and looked at him with fear. A heavy sigh emitted from the tightly closed teeth of the parasitic creature. "There's nothing you can do for them now. And neither can I." He confessed, placing a clawed hand over his chest. Two black beady eyes fell to the misty ground.

"No!" The little mug shuddered and only hugged the pink floral pattern tighter. The demon felt bad that he was the one that had to break the news to him. For he was sure not to do a good job of it. Thankfully, he had been with Mugman for long enough that he at least knew what sympathy and empathy were. Showing it, however, was much more of an effort. The demon just took a deep breath and got down on one knee.

"It's okay, Mugman." He cooed. Little Mug seemed very surprised that this unknown creature knew his name. "Come here and we'll talk this through nice and easy." Two claws ushered the child over. The young mug started to slink around the heap of glass. He started very slow and nervous but by the time he was only a few feet away, the boy just collapsed into the sludgy creature's arms.

"Let's start with how this happened." The demon said softly. A hand gently patted the mug child's back.

"I can't change it!" The boy bawled. "The monster always pushes mom and dad down here! I run, I hide, but it always catches me!"

"Monster?" The creature asked.

"F-furry....y-yellow eyes...." Mug barely described between his heavy sobs.

"Oh...." The black mug said in realization that the boy had been seeing the Devil. It was just as Mugman had described a few days prior. The satanic creature captured Mug and used him to lure his parents to their deaths. But it seemed as though this little guy had seen this event many times.

"I don't want to see it again! It's my fault! It's my fault...."

"Shh. Calm down, little one. It's not your fault. And I'm sorry you had to see that so many times."

"More times than I can count..." Muttered the four-year-old.

"You don't have to watch it anymore, Mugman. Come with me and I'll take you away from here."

"No! I won't leave them!" Mug tore away from the demon and threw himself on the broken bodies.

"Listen, Mugs – that's your nickname, right? – it's not that you're leaving them." He explained as he moved closer to the child. "They will always be with you....in here." A single claw pointed to the boy's chest as tears streamed down his mug.


"A good friend of mine taught me that there will always be a someone that can help you. Even in your darkest of times. And those that you have lost will always be with you in spirit. Do you know who that person is?" He paused for a moment to let the boy think about it. "It's you, Mugman. The love from your family and friends is what has made you so strong."

"I'm not strong..." The little mug collapsed to his knees in anguish.

"Yes, you are." Persisted the demon. The creature picked up Mug and cradled him in his sludgy arms. "But you still blame yourself for....this." The two of them took a glance at the shattered bodies. "Which couldn't be farther from the truth."

"But who will protect me?" The boy asked, feeling very exposed and vulnerable to the scary world.

"I will. Along with Cuphead and your Elder Kettle. We are still here for you." Mugman started to relax and feel lost in the black mug's words. He melted into the creature's arms. "Let go of the guilt, Mugman." The demon whispered to him. "You will never be alone again."

The child started to sparkle as the glass skin faded away. In its place was a light blue sprite of the young mug. The creature had gotten through to Mugman and now they could return to their body. All of the mist dissipated as the two mugs felt lost in each other's embrace.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Where stories live. Discover now