The Aftermath...

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Defeated. How could I be defeated?! I can't believe a child did this to me! My luxurious fur...almost all gone! My arm....what else can they take away from me?! Meddlesome children! I'll teach them to mess with the Devil! I will have my revenge! But right now, I need time to recover. King Dice! Where is that good-for-nothing lackey of mine? Dice! Get your ass over here and help me!

The large die man sat in the casino. His purple tuxedo was all wrinkled from his fight with the cup brothers. An ice-pack was pressed tightly against the black eye given to him by the pesky little mug. His other hand tenderly rubbed the corner of his cube dome that was blasted clear off by the young cup. A groan of pain rumbled inside his large dome. He had been sitting in the casino for a whole day, wallowing in his defeat. Dice hoped and prayed that he would not hear from his boss. He hoped that somehow he would avoid a beating for failing to stop the boys. The fallen casino manager feared his boss. He knew exactly what the beast was capable of. And he had seen it time and time again. Anyone who tried to leave the casino without striking up a deal with his boss severely regretted it. Even if the patrons played the Devil's game and agreed to a deal, they would regret ever coming into the casino. It was a lose-lose situation for any poor soul who wandered into the Devil's casino.

Dice! Get your ass over here and help me! These words echoed through the King's mind.

"Huh?" His mustache curled up into a question mark. Two green eyes moved to face the casino's exit. His purple shoes pressed against the ground as he shakily stood up. King Dice dreaded the walk over to his boss's quarters. But he knew he would regret it more if he stayed put and ignored the Devil's demands. His tall figure shuffled along the ground, exiting the casino and making his way to the Devil's lair. The man stopped short when he came across his master's throne room. His red and gold throne looked dilapidated. Dice figured it had to have been the work of the little brats.

What are you doing you idiot?! I'm in the cave! Get over here! Pronto! The harsh voice of the Devil rang through his mind once more. Dice winced as if he was being physically hurt. He almost wanted to cover his die to prevent himself from hearing the angry screeches. But he knew that would do no good when his boss was communicating with him telepathically. King Dice reluctantly dragged himself into the back of the Devil's lair. His green eyes widened in shock when he saw his boss rendered immobilized. The Devil's black body was slumped on the floor. It lay in a pool of red liquid that seemed to continue to grow. The right arm was bent in an unnatural way. Two yellow eyes narrowed and stared up at their right-hand man.

What are you waiting for? Get over here and help me up! The creature telepathically demanded. Dice forced himself to walk over next to the mortally injured body. The man looked the body up and down. He realized just how wounded and drained his boss was. A diabolical thought came to Dice's mind. The Devil was not a fair man, and that negative attitude had transferred to Dice over the years. He had learned to take every opportunity to assert his power and dominance over other creatures just like his boss. And that very cockiness was about to get him in trouble. A gloved hand reached down toward the black creature. Dice kept a poker face to try to avoid the Devil learning of his plans. The hand slowly lowered over the dark tormentor's head. Yellow eyes flashed red in a second. Dice instantly stopped when a spade tail was shoved through his gloved hand. The normally calm and cool die man now screeched in pain. Blood boiled out over his white glove and streamed onto the ground. A black spade pointed up at his face. King Dice fell to his right knee, bringing the weapon ever closer to his face. His green eyes shrunk down in fear as he now stared his angry boss in the eyes.

Dice, you son of a bitch! You were going to try to do me in, weren't you? The Devil boomed telepathically. Make no mistake, when I get my strength back I'm going to beat the shit out of you! The large die man whimpered in fear.

"I'm sorry, boss! I'll never ever think of it again! I swear!" King Dice pleaded for mercy from the demon. Tears welled up in the man's eyes.

It better not! Or I'll be using that head of yours as my lucky die! The creature hissed back. It then yanked its tail back out of its lackey's hand. This was more painful to Dice than the initial impalement. Water rained down from his eyes as he clutched his hand to his chest.

Now help me up! The satanic creature demanded once more. Using his non-injured hand, Dice reached for his boss's good horn. The weight of the Devil's body put strain on both his bicep and shoulder as he lifted the tall gangly body off the ground. Two gray feet plopped down on the stone floor. King Dice let go, thinking that the Devil would stand on his own. As soon as he let go, the black body started to fall face first toward the floor. The die could not act fast enough and the body came crashing face down. Dice flinched at the loud thud the creature made when it hit the stone floor. He bit down on two fingers, terrified at what the Devil would screech at him now.

I can't move by myself you idiot! You're going to have to carry me! Dice stared down at the bloody body. His favorite tuxedo was already wrinkled. He didn't want to get blood smeared all over it as well. But he didn't have any other choice. King Dice reached down with both hands this time. He grabbed the creature under the arms, just below the shoulders.

Watch it! The creature hissed as the man touched his broken arm. He gently placed the broken arm around his cube. Dice's good hand grabbed onto the Devil's flank to keep him upright.

"Where to?" The die man questioned. A disgusted look came over his face as he saw his beautiful clothes being stained with his boss's blood.

My throne you fool! Where else? The Devil hissed, seeming insulted.

"O-of course, sir!" King Dice stuttered out, still nervous of his boss. The man started to shuffle towards the entrance of the Devil's lair, dragging his boss along with him. It tried to walk with its lackey, but it could still barely move at all. All four white claws on both feet dragged along the stone floor, making a horrible scraping sound as they moved. Almost like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. Dice moved faster, hoping to rid himself of the bleeding monster. Every second his boss clung to him meant deeper stains on his favorite suit. He couldn't get to the throne as fast as he wanted. The Devil watched as his mustache furled downward into a scowl.

Upon reaching the throne, Dice went to unhook his boss's right arm from his cube. The satanic creature silently bared its fangs as a warning to be careful on how its arm was touched. Dice heeded this warning and grabbed barely strong enough to lift the tall body. The Devil hissed in satisfaction as his body was returned to its proper place. His body slumped on the chair, still limp. King Dice feared that his boss's blood would cause him to slip off the fancy chair. The body did indeed slide a few inches before the tail wedged into the ground, keeping it pressed against the cushions.

"Do you need anything else, boss?" Dice questioned the demon as he looked down at his blood-stained tuxedo. The die man hoped that he would not be required to do anything else for a while. He just wanted to get his suit cleaned as soon as possible.

Time, Dice. Time. It simply replied. The black creature took a deep breath before continuing his telepathy. Once I heal, those boys will pay! First I will attack their hearts.....

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora