Broken Promise

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A few months later...

"Anchors aweigh, Mugman!" Cuphead called to his brother. He stood at the stern of a large pirate ship, twirling the wheel back and forth. Rolling waves sloshed up against the sides of the ship.

"Steady our course, Cuphead! There be rough seas ahead!" Mugman called down from up on the crow's nest. The young mug looked through a bronze telescope. He had tied a blue bandanna around his mug, and Cuphead had a red one. A slight breeze blew the knotted end of the blue silk back and forth.

"I see someone ahead!" Mug commented.

"Is it a friend or foe?" The young cup questioned. Mugman steadied the telescope in the person's direction. Adjusting the focus, a beautiful mermaid came into view. Her fair skin contrasted greatly against her purple squid hair and green fish tail. Light blue shells covered her breasts.

 Light blue shells covered her breasts

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Definitely friend!" Mugman beamed. Her head turned to face the boys as she twirled a squid tentacle with her finger. Green eyes opened wide when she realized she was being watched. "She's so cute!" Mug added. The mermaid's eyes then narrowed. She knew the boys were spying on her beauty.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" She hissed from afar, shaking her finger at the nosy mug. The child gasped and quickly put the telescope away to avoid making his friend mad. Both Cuphead and Mugman knew that if they got on Cala Maria's bad side, she would turn them to stone. The mermaid had both siren and gorgon blood within her veins, making her a deadly foe or powerful ally. Her beauty and lovely singing voice attracted both the young boys to her. Cup and Mug were friends with other females as well, but they thought Cala Maria's beauty was unmatched by any of them. Mugman refused to make eye contact with Cala again. He shielded his mug with his gloved hands.

"Hey Mugs! Come on down and help me raise the sails!" Cuphead called. The young mug was more than happy to help his brother and not have to face Cala Maria. Glass arms wrapped around the wooden mast as he started to shimmy himself down to the deck. His movements were slow and deliberate, careful not to slip up and fall to the wooden deck below. The young mug finally made it to the bottom and prepared to join his brother in the next sailing activity.

"Hold up!" Cup called, raising his right hand for his crew to remain still. "I think someone is approaching from the starboard side!" The young cup called out in delight. Mug looked out and saw two figures approaching the boat from the dock to the left of the boat.

"That would be port, Cuphead." He corrected his older brother. "Port is left and starboard is right."

"Yeah, yeah, right." The young cup replied, not really listening to his brother. He was too focused on figuring out who the figures were. They came ever closer to the ship. Mugman squinted his eyes to see farther out.

"Looks like it's Elder Kettle and Captain Brineybeard." Mug concluded. The kettle and pirate approached the ship and stopped just to the left of the bow. Brineybeard huffed as he followed a few steps behind Elder Kettle. Moving fast was a problem for Brineybeard because both of his feet were peg-legs. The captain finally caught up to the kettle, who also wasn't as fast as he used to be.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum