An Uninvited Guest

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Elder Kettle finished up his local searching for Mugman and ultimately had to go home for a little break. It was a hot summer day and everyone was working up a sweat from their outside work. And the kettle's tan body was no different. He was about to open the front door to his house when he sensed that someone was inside. A gloved hand paused in front of the door handle. The atmosphere surrounding the hovel immediately turned tense and dark. There was no visible change to the state of the house, but it was an unmistakable aura that sent out terror in waves. It was like a veil that repelled happy thoughts and any creature that came near it. Even the birds that rested in the trees ceased their early morning songs and flew away. The chatter of squirrels and bugs died down as they took refuge in their homes. This left the kettle in utter silence as he stood hesitantly at the door.

Elder Kettle didn't have to take another step forward to know whom this aura belonged to. He had not felt it in years, but there was no denying the intentions of its owner. Kettle knew he had to go in. Failure to do so would result in the creature coming outside and showing no mercy. If it would even give an inch of that by following its demands would be a miracle.

Without another word, Elder Kettle turned the handle and stepped inside. The door creaked loudly as he shuffled in. His bulky body moved to the living room where he found the tall and lanky figure of the Devil sitting in his chair. Gray feet were propped up on the coffee table and crossed at the ankles. It was clear that the Devil wanted Kettle to know that he was going to make himself comfortable whether the old man liked it or not. His black fur was all matted down and looked greasy, as if he hadn't cleaned himself in weeks or even months. Its body was painted with scars from the last battle with the cup brothers. Kettle noticed that he only had one and a half horns left. A devious smile stretched across his face as he twirled a black trident in one hand.

"Ah, Kettle! I was wondering when you were coming back." The Devil greeted almost cordially. "I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of letting myself in."

"Not at all." Elder Kettle said sarcastically. The elderly person eyed his guest warily. No matter what, he couldn't take his eyes off the hairy creature. There was no telling when he could try something sneaky or violent. Although, it would most likely be both if he did. "So what brings you to the west end of the island?"

"I just wanted to say hello to an old friend." It responded, still trying to seem calm. "Speaking of old, age has not treated you kindly, friend."

"You've looked better yourself." Kettle retorted as he took in the creature's scarred-up body.

"Your little brats did this to me!" He hissed, changing his tone. The black fur seemed to stand on end as if its owner had been insulted. For he had always prided himself in his pristine and sharp looking coat. The fact that he now looked so miserable weighed heavily on his ego. "You know, I was seriously thinking about letting them off the hook. But when I realized they were related to you, well... let's just say that pain and suffering were in their future.... And their fate!"

"Leave my boys alone!" Kettle bravely said. "It's me that you really want, isn't it?"

"Ah Kettle, if only it were that simple anymore...." The Devil said, averting his gaze to his trident. He twirled it effortlessly between his clawed fingers.

"What are you talking about?" The elderly kettle questioned.

"Your boys signed a contract with me." It simply said and caught his weapon in a tight grip.

"So? They broke free of it and gave you a good old-fashioned butt whoopin'. That much is evident."

The black creature growled angrily at the old person's words. He certainly didn't need to rub it in, it thought.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Where stories live. Discover now