The Midnight Duel

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Gray walls materialized around the young mug. The dark and cold environment was just as intense as ever. Even the bravest of soldiers would find chills running down their spine in such a dungeon of evil and darkness. For it was no place for a child. But Mugman found himself within it once more.

"Wh-what? No! I shouldn't be here!" The cup child gasped. "This should all be gone! The potion didn't work!" Panicked hands seized his mug. They rubbed it uncomfortably for a few seconds before being lowered back to his sides.

"Did you really think a little potion would keep me away?" Came the dark and sinister reply from the being that Mug feared. A puddle of sludge rushed toward the child. It quickly materialized upwards as it came within five feet of Mugman. Black fangs and eyes glared down at the mug child. Violent and torturous thoughts swirled in its liquid made of the sludge.

"You really are pathetic!" It spat.

", this isn't right!" Mug's head shook back and forth, trying to make sense of all this. How could it possibly still be here when the potion was specifically designed to keep it away? This thing just seemed unstoppable. Nothing could deter it from asserting its dominance over the child. For it craved to hurt and torture things, namely Mugman.

"It seems the genie has slipped some sleeping potion into the mix." The black mug observed. "That means you won't be waking up anytime soon. You're all mine....!" It hissed with delight. A sludge boot stepped forward. Mug's straw went stiff and straight in alarm. Panic flooded through his glass body.

"Wait! No! Stop!" He cried out. But the shadow didn't care in the least bit. It had no desire to listen to the cup child's words. Just its pure screams of terror. Another boot pressed down. Sludge dripped ferociously from the arm it lifted into the air. Its claws were poised to strike.

"I said stop!" Mugman roared, unleashing a large blue shot from two balled fists. Nervous eyes watched as the dark mug's arm was blown clean off. Without looking or giving a second thought, the sludge seamlessly made a new one. It was as if it had never been attacked.

The shadow then moved forward with a purpose. Mug watched as it swiped its claws at him. The glass body jumped at the last second, barely avoiding the sharp weapons. Two sludgy hands bounced off his chest, sending the young mug down to the ground.

"Ugh!" He cried out. The wind had gotten knocked out of him briefly. Mugman knew he couldn't be down for long or that thing would make sure that he didn't get up. Not wanting to get pinned, the little mug struggled to his feet. A finger pointed in the sludge creature's direction. Small blue peashooter shots pelted it on the mug. The magic pellets rippled against the sludgy body. Mug could only watch as the shadow barreled toward him again, tearing right through his attack. Black fangs found their way to the child's wrist. The sharp weapons crunched down. Poor Mugman cried out in pain. It felt like the teeth both crushed and sliced at the same time. With a flick of its head, the young mug was flung across the endless gray room. His glass body slid along the cold, hard ground as it slowly came to a stop. The child lifted up his head. He then brought his hand into view. It was oozing his white life liquid. Normally if he saw a wound like that, Mug would try to get away from the enemy. But in this situation, he was in a deep sleep, so running away would do no good.

Trying to push the thought of his injury out of mind, Mugman got up only to see the shadow advancing toward him again. Its jaws opened wide, showing off the mouth that looked like a black hole. Without a thought, the young mug lashed out at his attacker. His fist swiped across the black mug's eyes. The sludge seemed to smear. Almost as if it had erased its eyes. Clawed hands groped at its head for a second before those beady eyes reappeared on its mug. They locked back on the cup child. Mug watched as the creature raised a clawed hand once more. A serious look came over the little mug's face as he brazenly grabbed his adversary's arm.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora