A Renewed Bond

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An alarm clock buzzed early in the morning, waking up Cuphead. He turned over in his bed as he reached over to silence the screaming clock. Upon ceasing the high-pitched noise, the young cup rubbed his eyes with balled hands as he sat up. A large yawn emitted from his cup as he stretched out his right arm and then the left. He looked over to his brother's bed to find it empty. Mugman was already up and putting on his clothes.

"Wow. You're up already?" Cuphead commented.

"Yeah! I'm really excited about the market today!" Mug exclaimed with a big smile on his face. It warmed Cuphead's heart to him so happy. Especially after being so depressed the night before. "Get dressed Cuphead!" The young mug tossed a long-sleeved black shirt and red shorts over to his brother. Cup's torso was pelted with the shorts. The shirt plastered to his face. He sleepily removed the shirt from his face.

"Come on, Cuphead! Hurry up!" Mug shouted back as he dashed out of their room. The young cup shot a confused look down the hall. A single finger scratched his brim.

"What's got his pants on fire?" Cup wondered aloud to himself.

After getting dressed, Cuphead joined the rest of his family for a quick breakfast before heading off to the market. The three of them walked for about five minutes before they reached the market. Large tents were set up. Underneath them were rows upon rows of products from the various residents of the Inkwell Islands. The market was what every inhabitant looked forward to. It was a chance to socialize, trade, and buy with fellow residents. Kettle stopped the cup brothers just outside of the tents.

"Here you are, boys." He gave each of them five gold coins. "Spend it on whatever you like."

"Gee, thanks Elder Kettle!" Cuphead beamed.

"Thank you so much!" Mugman said. Both boys shoved the money in their pockets.

"What are you going to spend yours on, Mugs?" Cup asked his brother.

"I don't know yet." Mug confessed.

"Go on out there and have some fun!" Kettle told the boys. Cuphead took off running toward the back of the market. Elder Kettle chuckled as he watched the young cup whiz off.

"Huh?" The old kettle looked down to find the young mug still by his side. 

"If you don't mind, I think I'll stay with you for a little while." Mugman said politely. The old kettle was so surprised that his lid almost popped off.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Elder chuckled.

"I just thought it would be nice to have some quality time with you." The young mug explained.

"Well, I'm glad to have you with me, Mugs." The kettle beamed. Mugman reached out to hold Elder Kettle's hand. A smile formed under the kettle's glass mustache. He had not felt either of the boys' caring touch in a long time. And it truly made his day. Mugman, on the other hand, felt a great deal of peace from his guardian's touch. It was the young mug's subtle way of letting Elder Kettle know that he was there for him.

The two soon came upon a group of their friends. A tall green stem towered over the group. On the top of the stem was a brilliant yellow face surrounded by orange petals. Two long arms extended out to the sides of the stem. One of the arms reached up level to its flower face and waved a great big hello to the kettle and mug.

 One of the arms reached up level to its flower face and waved a great big hello to the kettle and mug

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Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora