Ch: 8

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  "Here is your food" the waitress says.
  "Thank you" Niall and I say, in unison.
  Wow, the food was beautiful. Now I don't know if it was because I didn't have my four dinners last night like I usually do, but I inhaled that thing. It was spectacular, it was nothing like the English breakfast's I've had before.
  "Wow" I say.
  "What?" Niall asks.
  "That. Was. A-ma-zing."
  "Well, I'm glad you liked it."
  "Totally, oh and hey by the way how much was this? So I can pay you back."
  "As if you're paying for this."
  "Come on Niall just let me pay, it can't be that expensive."
  "You're right it's not that expensive, which is way you're not paying me back."
  "Oh come on Niall, that's hardly an excuse."
  "Well, you just tried to use it."
  "I-I-ugh" I say, face palming.
  "I hate you."
  "I'm sure of it" Niall says, winking.
  "Again with the winking" I think, "he knows what he's doing."
  "Alright, lets go" Niall says.
  "Right" I say, hoping up and pushing my chair in.
  Even before we pushed open the large glass doors, I could see a massive crowd of mostly teenage girls and paparazzi. Armed with their cellphones, cameras, and screaming voices. And if there's one thing I hate more than anything is screaming, ironic that I work as a DJ; but music's one thing, screaming girls are another.
  "Hey, are you alright?" Niall asks me, I must have looked very distressed.
  "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine" I say, covering my ears, and closing my eyes before he opens the doors.
  "No, no you're not, let's go out the back."
  "Niall, I swear, I'm fine."
  "Lorrayne, it's fine, come on" Niall says, taking my hand, and pulling me along to what I presume is the kitchen exit. I don't really know, I'm just going off of sound.
Only when I hear the door shut behind us do I open my eyes and let go of the breath I didn't even realize I was holding.
"Wow, you really don't like screaming girl's" Niall says, trying to "bring light" to my little "episode" I just had.
"Yeah well, let's just say screaming was a big part of my childhood."
"Oh" Niall says, rubbing circles on my hand.
"Yeah, that's why I'm always in my music, trying to drown out the loud world around me."
"And that's why you ran into me yesterday?" Niall asks, pulling us along and out of the alleyway.
"What where you listening to?"
"Nice to Meet Ya."
"Yes really, it's like my favorite song right now."
"Right now?" Niall says, smiling and raising an eyebrow at me.
"Well I'm sure you're going to release more music in the future."
"Good answer" Niall laughs, "so would you say I'm your favorite member of 1D?"
"Well" I say, "it's a tie between you, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry."
"Yep, definitely still a Directioner."
"Like I said before Niall, once a Directioner always a Directioner."
"And that's a phenomeNiall thing."
"Wow you really just did that" I say, laughing and placing my hands on his chest, making him stiffen for just a second. "Well I should probably get going."
"Yeah, I guess......hey before you go, let me give you my number."
"Can't" I say, "phones dead, remember?"
"That's right, and I don't have my phone right now."
"Crap, well um, I'm free Tuesday want to meet up somewhere?"
"Yeah I should be free Tuesday how about we meet up at that one park on Parade?"
"I would love that" Niall says, his face lighting up "what time is best for you?"
"Um, I know it's a bit late but how 'bout 10pm?"
"Yeah I can make that work."
"Great" I say.
"Yep, it's a date."
"It's a date" I say, back.
"Welp, it was nice talking to you Lorrayne."
"You too Niall" I say, pulling him into a hug.
"Bye Lorrayne."
"Bye Niall."
And just like that he was gone, disappearing into the London foot traffic. Which is probably a good thing, because at least I know he can't see the gigantic smile on my face.

Hello all of my amazing people, thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. I know it's a tad bit long, I hope you're not too annoyed. Also, if you liked this chapter it would be super cool if you where to vote. But if you didn't like it you don't have to vote. Anyways, thank you again for reading it means a lot.❤️

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