Ch: 6

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I wake up to the sun glaring in my eyes and my neck screaming at me, from when I must have fallen asleep on Nialls shoulder some hours ago.
As I look around I can see that it's way past sunrise, meaning it's getting closer to the late morning which is when the venue opens. But there's something else, a noise like pitter- pattering but not quite. As I look to my right I can see that it's Niall that's making the noise, because of his almost "violent" teeth chattering.
"Niall, Niall wake up" I whisper, nudging his shoulder.
"Huh w-w-what's g-g-going on?"
"Niall you're shivering."
"N-no I'm f-fine."
"Niall no you're not, here" I say, handing back his jacket.
"N-no keep it."
"Over my dead body." I say, "forcefully" placing the jacket around his shoulders.
"T-thank you, Lorrayne."
"Oh come on, you don't have to thank me, it's your jacket after all."
"Yeah but, you're giving me it at the expense of your own heat."
"Niall, I'm not cold, you are and besides the venue is going to be opening soon."
"How soon because I'm f-freezing my ass off."
"Well I would tell you, accept this place is cheap as hell and that clock over there is pretty much decoration now." I say, pointing over to the far wall on the right side of the venue.
"Well when does it open?"
"It opens around 8am for rich kids birthday parties, so it'll probably open in another hour or two."
"Oh ok, and when do you think the heat will turn back on?"
"Well, it depends if the automatic heating system decides to work today."
"Yeah like I said before, this place is cheap."
That statement earned me an iconic Niall laugh and smile. And of course that laugh made me grin like an idiot.
"What?" Niall asks, pulling me out of my embarrassment, his face a flush color of pink.
"Oh nothing" I say, looking down at the floor feeling my checks turn a brighter shade of red than the hot Cheeto girls fingertips.
"Oh come on, tell me" Niall says, nudging my shoulder.
"Well I just think your smile and your laugh are really cute."
"Well I'm glad I can say the same thing, because your smile just might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. And your laugh, the prettiest thing I've ever heard.
"Holly shit, what the freak did i just hear that right or am I going into shock?" I think. "Thank you" I say, "no ones ever said that to me before."
"Well they should of" Niall says, while grazing my chin with his fingers. "Oh sorry" he says, while quickly pulling his hand away from my face.
"It's fine" I say, putting my hand in his, and pulling him up with me. "Come on let's go find something to do."
"Let's see....hmmm want to have a race?"
"A race?"
"Yeah, come on it'll be fun."
"I don't know..."
"Oh come on Niall, we've been sitting on the floor for hours."
"Yes." I say, pumping my fist into the air "we'll race from the left wall to the right wall and back."
As we walk over to the left wall I can feel Nialls eyes burning into my head, making my face go red. And since it's day and there's sun coming in through the over head windows, my face is on full display.
  "Ok, on my count" I say, "one, two-"
  But just as I'm about to finish and say three, someone speaks:
  "Hello, is someone here?"
  "Rose?" I say.
  "Lorrayne, what in the hell are you doing here?"
  "Well, you forgot to check all the rooms before you left last night."
  "Wait" she says, "are you Niall from One Direction?"
  "Erm yeah, I am" Niall says.
  "So you're telling me that I accidentally locked Niall from One Direction, in a building over night!?
  "Yes" Niall and I say, at the same time.
  "Oh. My. Gosh. I'm so, so sorry I didn't mean to, it was an honest mistake! Rose spits out.
  "It's fine" Niall says, "we won't tell anyone."
  "Thank you, this could have put me out of business."
  "I know, which is why we won't tell anyone."
  "But, you have every right to put me out of business?"
  "Yeah I do, but this is one of my favorite venues, also Lorrayne works here; and I'm not about to put her out of a job."
  "Thank you, Niall really, and Lorrayne if you ever need anything even now don't hesitate to ask alright?"
  "Um, could I get my paycheck for last night? I ask.
  "Yes of course, I'll deposit it to you later today."
  "Alright, thank you Rose."
  "No problem Lorrayne" Rose says, as she walks off into her office, probably to let it sink in that she locked her employee and an international superstar in a cold building over night.
  "Hey" Niall says, "do you want to come with me to get breakfast at Nandos?"
  "Sure, it's a date" I say.
  "What?" Niall asks.
  "What?" I say, embarrassed that I said that without thinking.

  Hello all of my amazing people, thank you so much for reading. I hope you all enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing this. If you could vote that would be awesome, but you don't have to. Once again thank you for reading.❤️

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