Ch: 14

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Like I do every morning, I greet the day...the only way my mentally unstable ass knows how to do.

"Oh, good morning great, cruel world. You have once again, brought me another day closer to death. So, thank you." 

Rolling out of bed, half conscious, I stumble across my room to my curtains automatic switch, and I hit the up button. Almost hissing at how bright the sun is.

Looks like Jesus has come back down to Earth, I think. 

Grabbing my phone off my bed I head down to the kitchen, memories of last nights little cry feast coming right back to me. And for some reason I cringe. Why am I so uncomfortable with my own emotions? Beats me. Although, it may have something to do with the fact that growing up my parents always told me "I'll give you something to cry about." Every time they punished me and I would start to cry. But, that's besides the point, I'm making breakfast now.

Grabbing the box of Lucky Charms from the pantry, and a bowl from the cabinet, I sit them down at the island and begin preparing my breakfast. Frowning, when I look to my left and see Emilia's' letter. 

Picking it up, I walk into my office, and drop it into the shredder, just like I did with the rest of her letters. She doesn't deserve the luxury of me keeping her letters.

Walking back into the kitchen, I open the fridge to get the milk. So, I can make the same bowl of cereal  I've had every morning for the past twenty-two years.

"What the fricity-frack!?" I say, pulling the empty carton of milk out of the fridge. "You have got to be shitting me."

Groaning as I realize that most of the stuff in my fridge is close to empty, I close the door and turn around. I put my hands on my island and lean in.

Today is the day, I think. I'm going to put on my big girl pants, and go to the store.


While I'm going through my closet, I'm hit with a wave of deja vu as I'm throwing  my shirts everywhere, trying to find one one that looks at least a little bit decent, and touch the blue and yellow striped shirt I wore on my date with Niall just mere hours ago. 

"Woah," I say, stunned. Trying to shake the feeling away.

Unfortunately, luck is not on my side today, as I realize that the only clean, decent, looking shirt I have, is the coke shirt I wore the night I got locked in with Niall. I've been trying to avoid wearing this shirt for as long as possible, because every time I look at it, it just makes me overthink. And if there's one thing I almost hate more than Symone Cowbell, that's overthinking, it just makes my head hurt for the whole day. I mean, I already have a brain that won't shut up because of my ADHD, but now I have to overthink about the day I wore a shirt? Come on!

Isn't it crazy how you and Niall would have never even come within one hundred feet of each other, if Rose hadn't locked you guys in?  My brain says.

"Why-you little-"


As I grab my keys off the little stand I have by the door, I look at myself one last time in the mirror, just to make sure I'm the hottest person at the grocery store. I notice something white just sitting on my floor.

"What the?" I say. Picking up an envelope. "Oooh, it's the one from Rose."

Unsurprisingly, I'm met with a check for the last two weeks of work I did for Rose at the venue. As well as a check I for the tips I earned the last day I worked there.

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