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        A/N: another long one whoops-

The room was dead silent. Not a single word was said as the shock from Angie's brutal execution settled in. Niles was once again, the least affected by the horrifying sight. After all, he had seen people impaled on lances and swords, decapitated by axes and swords, magic burn others, beasts tear people to shreds and of course, seen his own arrows pierce through others. He shook it off, not wanting it to linger in his mind or heart. After all, he didn't know Angie and she was a guilty person. He hears Monokuma start laughing and notices that that gets the remaining 14 students to snap out of it and look to the laughing bear.

"Why are you laughing?? That wasn't funny at all!!!" Kaito shouts at the bear. "Even though Angie was punished since she murdered Ryoma, it wasn't funny in the slightest!"

"Oh but it is! Seeing aaaalllll the despairing looks upon your faces is HILARIOUS!" Monokuma laughs. "But that's all for this first trial! You should all go to bed.. After all, it's been an exhausting day, hasn't it?"

"Monokuma is right. We should leave this wretched place and rest up. I, for one, have no desire to linger here longer than necessary," Niles says nonchalantly. He turns and heads towards the elevator that had once again opened up, Rantaro following the Outlaw.

"Yes, I quite agree. Sleep would do well for the rest of our nights. If anyone would like some relaxing tea, I would be happy to make some for you," Tojo says to the other students before going to the elevator. Everyone eventually piles onto the elevator and it goes back up. The ride up was silent as almost everyone thought about what happened. Upon stopping, the remaining 15 Ultimates file out of the elevator and out the Shrine of Judgement. Himiko, Tenko, Kaede and Shuichi follow Tojo to the cafeteria to take her up on the relaxing tea. The others minus Kokichi, Rantaro and Niles all head to bed. Instead, Niles goes out to the courtyard and he takes a seat in the grass, aware that the Supreme Leader and Survivor were following him. Rantaro sits next to him and Kokichi ends up in front of the two. Niles's face was looking up at the quickly darkening sky.

"A beautiful sunset, isn't it?" Niles hums out. "The sun giving way to the moon who will bask us in her ethereal glory."

"Yeah, it's quite nice," Rantaro says in agreement, looking up. Kokichi was looking at the two of them.

"See something you like Kokichi?" Niles asks, noticing that the purple gremlin was just staring at them.

"You're not my type Niles," Kokichi snorts in response. "But you two are hiding things. And I want in."

"True we are," Niles says, finally bringing his gaze from the sky and looks at Kokichi. "And I suppose we can tell you now instead of tomorrow morning."

"Wait- You're actually going to tell me? I thought I would have had to twist your arm to get you to tell me," Kokichi says, surprised. Rantaro chuckles.

"Nah. You passed our tests and since we got out of this alive, we're letting you in on the know. On the premise that you keep it secret," Rantaro explains.

"And we'll know if you let it slip~ So I recommend you don't let it slip~" Niles comments, as he casually pulls out an arrow to twirl between his fingers. Kokichi eyes the arrow and know that Niles meant business.

"Now, that wouldn't be very wise of me to do, now would it?" Kokichi says. "I don't think even I could get away with saying it's a lie anyways."

"Precisely, as what we are about to reveal to you is a bit too peculiar to be a lie," Rantaro hums out.

"So, who do you want to know about first? Me or pretty boy?" Niles asks.

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